A few years ago I made a worksheet for with sales data. Every day I upload the daily sales per product group into a sheet. At the moment I have a sheet full of sales data per day. In the old excel (post 2007) I had a great graph that showed me the sales over time, per product group. In a cell I would enter the product group name, and only that product group would appear in the graph. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
The created the following formula can named it IndexProduct (therefore the formula was not in a cell but a name):<o
=OFFSET(indirect(Product Name),,,MATCH(End Date,DATES,0))<o
However all the data overtime would appear in the graph. I now want to be able to select the start date and end date.<o
I changed the formula to:<o
=OFFSET(indirect(Product Name),MATCH(Start Date,DATES,0),,MATCH(End Date,DATES,0)- MATCH(Start Date,DATES,0))<o
The problem starts that Excel 2007 give me an error when changing the dates in the second formula. The worksheet was created in the old excel. I converted it to 2007, and it work fine. However, now I want to change the dates, I get a error. The worksheet is saved as .xlsm<o
Furthermore, if possible I want the date on the horizontal axis to adjust to the correct dates.<o
Does anybody have a solution for this?<o
I don’t know if the size of the data has anything to do with it. To give an indication, I have a bout 30 product groups and +-600 daily entries per group.<o

The created the following formula can named it IndexProduct (therefore the formula was not in a cell but a name):<o

=OFFSET(indirect(Product Name),,,MATCH(End Date,DATES,0))<o

However all the data overtime would appear in the graph. I now want to be able to select the start date and end date.<o

I changed the formula to:<o

=OFFSET(indirect(Product Name),MATCH(Start Date,DATES,0),,MATCH(End Date,DATES,0)- MATCH(Start Date,DATES,0))<o

The problem starts that Excel 2007 give me an error when changing the dates in the second formula. The worksheet was created in the old excel. I converted it to 2007, and it work fine. However, now I want to change the dates, I get a error. The worksheet is saved as .xlsm<o

Furthermore, if possible I want the date on the horizontal axis to adjust to the correct dates.<o

Does anybody have a solution for this?<o

I don’t know if the size of the data has anything to do with it. To give an indication, I have a bout 30 product groups and +-600 daily entries per group.<o