All deposits get posted to one account, which we then have to transfer amounts to the entity it belongs to.
In column I , I have a deposit from one of my entities in Columns J:CT.* To get to the entity that the deposit belongs to I do an XLtoRight and grab whatever is in Row 2 above that item.* The Row that shows the entity.* Only one deposit makes up the number seen in column I.
The rows I am getting information from are from filtered information.* i.e. I can have row 743, followed by 794, followed by 861.
At this time my code works if I open up column A, set it up to show the row number, and then reference the cell in my function.
Is there a way to get this function to work by having Excel know what row it is in, without having to show row numbers in column A?
See code I have so far below, thanks in advance:
Const col_deposit = 8 'column H
Const row_start = 2 'row where you have the string Deposit and Entity1,...
Function getEntityCol(row As Integer) As Integer
*** Dim start_col As Integer
*** Dim col As Integer
*** Dim result As Integer
*** Dim cur_entity As Integer
****result = 0
****start_col = col_deposit + 2
****end_col = Cells(row_start, start_col).End(xlToRight).Column
****For col = start_col To end_col
********cur_entity = Val(Cells(row, col).Value)
********If cur_entity > 0 Then
*********** result = col
*********** Exit For
********End If
****Next col
*** getEntityCol = result
End Function
Function getEntity(row As Integer) As String
*** getEntity = Cells(row_start, getEntityCol(row)).Value
End Function
In column I , I have a deposit from one of my entities in Columns J:CT.* To get to the entity that the deposit belongs to I do an XLtoRight and grab whatever is in Row 2 above that item.* The Row that shows the entity.* Only one deposit makes up the number seen in column I.
The rows I am getting information from are from filtered information.* i.e. I can have row 743, followed by 794, followed by 861.
At this time my code works if I open up column A, set it up to show the row number, and then reference the cell in my function.
Is there a way to get this function to work by having Excel know what row it is in, without having to show row numbers in column A?
See code I have so far below, thanks in advance:
Const col_deposit = 8 'column H
Const row_start = 2 'row where you have the string Deposit and Entity1,...
Function getEntityCol(row As Integer) As Integer
*** Dim start_col As Integer
*** Dim col As Integer
*** Dim result As Integer
*** Dim cur_entity As Integer
****result = 0
****start_col = col_deposit + 2
****end_col = Cells(row_start, start_col).End(xlToRight).Column
****For col = start_col To end_col
********cur_entity = Val(Cells(row, col).Value)
********If cur_entity > 0 Then
*********** result = col
*********** Exit For
********End If
****Next col
*** getEntityCol = result
End Function
Function getEntity(row As Integer) As String
*** getEntity = Cells(row_start, getEntityCol(row)).Value
End Function