I have a macro that does things to xls files that are found in a long list of hyperlinks. Some of these hyperlinks cannot be opened because they are protected. Is there a way to unprotect and reprotect any protected files?
This is the relevant part of the code:
I have a macro that does things to xls files that are found in a long list of hyperlinks. Some of these hyperlinks cannot be opened because they are protected. Is there a way to unprotect and reprotect any protected files?
This is the relevant part of the code:
CodeNames = Range("Z2:Z" & Cells(Rows.Count, "Z").End(xlUp).Row) 'the list of hyperlinksApplication.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To UBound(CodeNames, 1) 'for each link in the list
If InStr(1, CodeNames(i, 1), ".xls") > 0 Then 'if it is an xls file
On Error GoTo linemarker3 'on error will not work on skipping unprotected sheets
If Not WorkbookOpen(CStr(Split(CodeNames(i, 1), "\")(UBound(Split(CodeNames(i, 1), "\"))))) Then
Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(CodeNames(i, 1)) 'this part gets highlighted when debugging
Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
WorkbookOpen = False
On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
WorkbookOpen = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function