you need to select calculated field from drop down selection on top not from list
Hey Sandy666,
You solved that issue so easily, here is a hyper similar one that has me stuck
Office 365 on OSX.
I have a multitab workbook with several pivot tables (I copied them from tab to tab, which I am realizing wasn't best practice, but i digress...)
I had used the GROUP function inside one of my Pivot's to group dates into chunks (Week 1, Week 2, Etc) but something went oddly and it was mi-ordering some of the dates. I tried to get rid of it, but it has created what I assume to be a calculated field in my pivot list for all the tables. OK, so just go to PIVOT TABLE ANALYZE>FIELDS, ITEMS AND SETS>CALCULATED FIELDS and then from the drop down at the top of the pop up choose my field and then delete it right....but what if it's not there?
It appears in every pivot table field list (as "Date2") of the pivots that I copied and pasted, on every tab in the workbook. And at no point (unless I fat fingered a KB shortcut) did I actually choose to make this a calculated Field, I was just working with Groups, so I don't know how it got there in the first place.
I have closed/reopened the doc. I have closed and reopened Excel.
I am lost as to what to do. And redoing this is, for me, hours of work to recreate all these pivot tables.
Any advice?