Felix: In regards to opinions, they will never be obliterated. In a way we in the US also have some restrictions on freedom of speech. If we shout out, "I have a bomb and will blow you up," we would be arrested. We are all free to say what we want, in the sense that we all have a choice - a god given right. What we choose to do with this right is up to us. Expressing one's opinion isn't necessarily a ticket for one to express to their heart's content. So I agree with you about the opinion control. Supressing people's opinions will only incite a defiant and angered attitude. Having the choice is different than making the choice. Preventative maintenance can sometimes be a great hinderence.
Re your first comment: I take offense to that.
Re the UN: I believe they were founded with the best of intentions. They currently, imho, are far too busy getting sex for food they couldn't tell you of any great accomplishment as of late. What they need is a complete restructuring of management starting at the top.
Regarding Internet control:
In the sense that is being discussed, no there should not be control. This would be extremely detrimental and lead to uprising and internet scandal on a global scale.
In the sense that ICANN (or like body) would guide the internet, in the respect of keeping it's addressing, standards, and formats uniform and easily accessible, yes I am all for that. Keeping the greatest tool made in this century (barring any medical or life-saving technologies) easy to use for all, and free (of charge and beaurocracy) is crucial. It is a good idea, meaning it has good intentions (not necessarily the validity of such). But like my father used to say, "Good intentions are just that - good intentions. Nothing more, nothing less." Meaning that good intentions will only get you so far and cannot constitute for, or accept responsibility for, actions performed.
So my opinion of the poll opinion: No.
Opinion of the articles: Possibly, if done right.