Type Mismatch error


Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2014
I am receiving a "type mismatch" error on the line below.

ArrTemp(nn) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Log(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSample, nn, 2), Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSample, NumObs, 2))

ArrTemp is a variant, TempSample is a variant, nn is an integer, NumObs is an integer.

I don't understand how I might be receiving a type mismatch with these variable types.
What are the values of nn and NumObs when you get the error?
Upvote 0
TempSample(rr, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Data1, ii + rr, 1)             TempSample(rr, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Data1, ii + rr, 2) 
            TempSample(rr, 3) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(Data1, ii + rr, 3)

I load the TempSample arrays in the code above the line that is giving the error. Could the variables used to construct TempSample be in error?

Data1 is a Variant, ii is an integer, and rr is an integer

TempSample is a subset of values from Data1.
Upvote 0
Can you please supply your entire code, it makes it a lot easier to debug.
Upvote 0
sure, its a little longish...the top portion of the code is where the problem is being generated. I suspect now that loading the TempSample is causing trouble. ALSO, when the error is observed the value of "rr" is "21" and outside the range of allowable values...im not sure why this is occuring.

i gotta step away from the computer for now, but will be back later today...fyi

Sub HistoricalAnalogs_2Var()

'X  This macro returns a set of distance measures relating the similarity of    X
'X  a series of historical price changes to the current sample                  X

'X  define source data for total sample array   X

Dim DataSht As String:              DataSht = ActiveSheet.Range("C4").value
Dim samplerange As String:          samplerange = ActiveSheet.Range("C5").value
Dim PriceData As Variant:           PriceData = Worksheets(DataSht).Range(samplerange).value

'X  define source data for target sample array  X

Dim DataRange As String:            DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C6").value
Dim X As Variant:                   X = Worksheets(DataSht).Range(DataRange).value

Dim A As Integer:                   A = UBound(PriceData, 1)     ' A is the population size and contains full set of test sets
Dim NumObs As Integer:              NumObs = UBound(X, 1)        ' NumObs is the sample size

Dim TempSample() As Variant:        ReDim TempSample(1 To NumObs, 1 To 3)
Dim ArrX() As Variant:              ReDim ArrX(1 To NumObs)
Dim ArrX1() As Variant:             ReDim ArrX1(1 To NumObs)
Dim ArrTemp() As Variant:           ReDim ArrTemp(1 To NumObs)
Dim ArrTemp1() As Variant:          ReDim ArrTemp1(1 To NumObs)
Dim DistanceMeasure As Integer
Dim DistanceMeasure1 As Integer

Dim ii As Integer:              'total sample length
Dim oo As Integer:
Dim nn As Integer:              nn = 1
Dim rr As Integer:
Dim jj As Integer:              jj = 5
Dim gg As Integer:              gg = 1

'X  Log transform X array   X

For oo = 1 To NumObs

ArrX(oo) = Application.Log(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(X, oo, 2), Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(X, NumObs, 2))

Next oo

'X  Main Script X

For ii = NumObs To A - NumObs
        For rr = 1 To NumObs
            TempSample(rr, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(PriceData, ii + rr, 1) 'Dimension 1 TempSample - Date of Temp Sample
            TempSample(rr, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(PriceData, ii + rr, 2) 'Dimension 2 TempSample - price of Temp Sample
            TempSample(rr, 3) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(PriceData, ii + rr, 3) 'Dimension 3 TempSample - Volume
        Next rr
    For nn = 1 To NumObs
    ArrTemp(nn) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Log(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSample, nn, 2), Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSample, NumObs, 2))
    Next nn
    For gg = 1 To NumObs

       ArrX1(gg) = X(gg, 3)
        ArrTemp1(gg) = TempSample(gg, 3)
    Next gg
    DistanceMeasure = (1 - Application.WorksheetFunction.Correl(ArrX, ArrTemp)) * 100
    DistanceMeasure1 = (1 - Application.WorksheetFunction.Correl(ArrX1, ArrTemp1)) * 100
    Worksheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(jj, 1).value = DistanceMeasure
    Worksheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(jj, 2).value = DistanceMeasure1
    Worksheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(jj, 3).value = DistanceMeasure + DistanceMeasure1
    Worksheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(jj, 4).value = TempSample(NumObs, 1)    'start date
    Worksheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(jj, 5).value = TempSample(1, 1)     'end date
    jj = jj + 1
Next ii

'O  Sorts distance measures output ascending    O

Selection.CurrentRegion.Sort Key1:=Range("C5"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
        xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

'O  loops through distances and keeps shortest distances with   O
'O  non-overlapping periods of time                             O


Dim kk As Integer:          kk = 5
Dim hh As Integer
Dim StartDate1 As Date
Dim EndDate1 As Date
Dim StartDate2 As Date
Dim EndDate2 As Date

Do Until Cells(kk, 3) = ""

    StartDate1 = Cells(kk, 4)
    EndDate1 = Cells(kk, 5)
    hh = kk + 1
    Do Until Cells(hh, 3) = ""
        StartDate2 = Cells(hh, 4)
        EndDate2 = Cells(hh, 5)
        If StartDate2 <= StartDate1 And StartDate1 <= EndDate2 And Cells(kk, 3) <= Cells(hh, 3) Then
            Cells(hh, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
        End If
        If StartDate2 <= EndDate1 And EndDate1 <= EndDate2 And Cells(kk, 3) < Cells(hh, 3) Then
            Cells(hh, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
        End If
        hh = hh + 1
kk = kk + 1

'X  Delete overlapping sets X

Dim mm As Integer
Dim ll As Integer:          ll = Range("C5").End(xlDown).Row


For mm = ll To 5 Step -1

    If Cells(mm, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 5 Then
    End If

Next mm

'X  Copy 20 Lowest distance measures to new columns X


Range("G5").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'X  Produce line charts for low distance sample and output into "charts" sheet  X

Dim aa As Integer
Dim StartDate As String
Dim EndDate As String
Dim RngStart As Range
Dim RngEnd  As Range
Dim RngStartR As String
Dim RngEndR As String
Dim RngFutureR As String
Dim RngXR As String:
Dim RngXR2 As String:
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim chrt As ChartObject
Dim chrt1 As ChartObject
Dim ch As Chart
Dim ch1 As Chart
Dim zz As Integer
Dim NumObs2 As Long
Dim TempSampleOutput As Variant
Dim RangeVar1 As String
Dim RangeVar2 As String

'X  Write in X Array Samples to sheet   X

For zz = 1 To NumObs
    Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, 21).Offset(zz, 0).value = ArrX(zz)
Next zz

    RngXR = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Range("U5").Address

    RngXR2 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Range("U5").End(xlDown).Address

zz = 1

NumObs2 = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(Rows.Count, 11).End(xlUp).Row

For aa = 5 To NumObs2

    StartDate = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(aa, 10).value
    EndDate = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(aa, 11).value
        If StartDate <> "" Then
            Set RngStart = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Cells.Find(What:=StartDate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
            LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Offset(0, 1)
        End If
        RngStartR = RngStart.Address
        If EndDate <> "" Then
            Set RngEnd = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Cells.Find(What:=EndDate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
            LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Offset(0, 1)
        End If
        RngEndR = RngEnd.Address
        TempSampleOutput = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Range(RngStartR, RngEndR).value
        For nn = 1 To NumObs
            ArrTemp(nn) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Log(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSampleOutput, nn, 1), Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(TempSampleOutput, NumObs, 1))
        Next nn
        nn = 1
        For nn = 1 To NumObs
            Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, aa + 18).Offset(nn, 0).value = ArrTemp(nn)
        Next nn
        RangeVar1 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(5, aa + 18).Address
        RangeVar2 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(5, aa + 18).End(xlDown).Address
   Set sh = Worksheets("LowDistCharts")
   Set chrt = sh.ChartObjects.Add(1, 1 + ((aa - 4) * 300), 300, 300)
   Set ch = chrt.Chart
    Do While ch.SeriesCollection.Count > 1
        With ch
            .ChartType = xlLine
            .SeriesCollection(1).Values = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("LowDistCharts").Range(RngXR, RngXR2)
            .SeriesCollection(2).Values = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("LowDistCharts").Range(RangeVar1, RangeVar2)
            .Axes(xlCategory).ReversePlotOrder = True
            .HasLegend = False
            .HasTitle = True
            .ChartTitle.Text = aa & " " & StartDate & " to " & EndDate
            .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 8
            .Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0.9
            .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = 1.1
        End With
Next aa

'X  Produce volume charts for comparable volumes for samples    X

Dim RngVolStart As Range
Dim RngVolEnd As Range
Dim RngVolEndR As String
Dim RngVolStartR As String
Dim chrt2 As ChartObject
Dim ch2 As Chart
Dim RngVolXR As String:             RngVolXR = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ActiveSheet").Range("C10").value
Dim RngVolXR2 As String:            RngVolXR2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ActiveSheet").Range("C11").value

For aa = 5 To NumObs2

    StartDate = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(aa, 10).value

    EndDate = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(aa, 11).value
            Set RngVolStart = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Cells.Find(What:=StartDate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
            LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Offset(0, 2)
        RngVolStartR = RngVolStart.Address
            Set RngVolEnd = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Cells.Find(What:=EndDate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
            LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Offset(0, 2)
        RngVolEndR = RngVolEnd.Address
        Set chrt2 = sh.ChartObjects.Add(300, 1 + ((aa - 4) * 300), 300, 300)
        Set ch2 = chrt2.Chart
        Do While ch2.SeriesCollection.Count > 1
        With ch2
            .ChartType = xlColumnStacked
            .HasLegend = False
            .SeriesCollection(1).Values = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ActiveSheet").Range(RngVolXR, RngVolXR2)
            .SeriesCollection(2).Values = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("ActiveSheet").Range(RngVolStartR, RngVolEndR)
            .Axes(xlCategory).ReversePlotOrder = True
            .HasLegend = False
            .HasTitle = True
            .ChartTitle.Text = "Vol " & aa & " " & "StartDate" & " to " & "EndDate"
            .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 8
        End With
        For zz = 1 To NumObs
            If RngEnd.Row >= 31 Then
            Sheets("ActiveSheet").Range(RngVolStartR).Offset(-zz, 0).Copy
            Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, aa + 39).Offset(zz, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
            End If
        Next zz

Next aa

'X  Produce charts and sample series for low distance sets for 25 samples after X
'X  end date                                                                    X

Dim RangeFuture As Variant
Dim ArrFut As Variant:          ReDim ArrFut(1 To 25) As Variant
Dim RngFut1 As String
Dim RngFut2 As String

For aa = 5 To NumObs2

    EndDate = Sheets("AllDistanceMeasures").Cells(aa, 11).value

    If EndDate <> "" Then
            Set RngEnd = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Cells.Find(What:=EndDate, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
            LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
            MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Offset(0, 1)
        End If
        RngEndR = RngEnd.Address
        If RngEnd.Row < 31 Then
            RngFutureR = "F6"
            RngFutureR = RngEnd.Offset(-25, 0).Address
        End If
        oo = 1
        RangeFuture = Sheets("ActiveSheet").Range(RngEndR, RngFutureR).value
        For oo = 1 To 25
            ArrFut(oo) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Log(Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(RangeFuture, oo, 1), Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(RangeFuture, 25, 1))
        Next oo
        oo = 1
        For oo = 1 To 25
            Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, aa + 60).Offset(oo, 0).value = ArrFut(oo)
        Next oo
            RngFut1 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(5, aa + 60).Address

            RngFut2 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(5, aa + 60).End(xlDown).Address
        Set chrt1 = sh.ChartObjects.Add(600, 1 + ((aa - 4) * 300), 300, 300)
        Set ch1 = chrt1.Chart
        Do While ch1.SeriesCollection.Count > 1
        With ch1
            .ChartType = xlLine
            .HasLegend = False
            .SeriesCollection(1).Values = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("LowDistCharts").Range(RngFut1, RngFut2)
            .Axes(xlCategory).ReversePlotOrder = True
            .Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0.9
            .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = 1.1
            .HasTitle = True
            .ChartTitle.Text = aa & " " & EndDate & " to " & "Future 25"
            .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 8
        End With

Next aa

'X  Summary statistics for low dist future walks    X

Dim NumObs3 As Integer:     NumObs3 = Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(Rows.Count, 84).End(xlUp).Row

Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, 85).value = "Average"
Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, 86).value = "Stdev"
Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(4, 87).value = "Skew"

For aa = 5 To NumObs3
    On Error Resume Next
    Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(aa, 85).value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(Range(Cells(aa, 65), Cells(aa, 84)))
    Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(aa, 86).value = Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(Range(Cells(aa, 65), Cells(aa, 84)))
    Sheets("LowDistCharts").Cells(aa, 87).value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Skew(Range(Cells(aa, 65), Cells(aa, 84)))

Next aa

End Sub
Last edited:
Upvote 0
when the error is observed the value of "rr" is "21" and outside the range of allowable values...im not sure why this is occuring.
That is not a problem, at the end of a loop like you have, the counter (in this case rr) will always be 1 higher than the upper limit.

When you get the error, what is the value of TempSample row 11 column 2 (based on the error occuring with nn=11)
Upvote 0
Glad it's sorted & thanks for the feedback
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