So I am using a spreadsheet where on 'Page 1' I have a list of 10's of thousands of dates ranging from 2006 to now, (thousands because some days repeat), however there isn't a listing for Every date in that range.
On 'Page 2' I have a form where I get the user to type in a date (In cell A1) in the same format as the previous sheet (yyyy/mm/dd) once done several other cells will auto populate based on that date and other select criteria.
My problem: I am looking for a formula that I can use on 'Page 2' cell A2 that will either A) return the same date from cell A1 if it exists and B) IF the date entered in cell A1 is not in the database, it will return the next largest date. (So if I wanted jan 1st but its not there, cell a2 would return jan 3rd (assuming it is there and jan 2nd isnt)).
Note: I have tried using IF(INDEX(MATCH....-1))) having the -1 return the next positive value. But the error that occurs is my dates Have to be in ascending order as a lot of other things require it.
Please help!
On 'Page 2' I have a form where I get the user to type in a date (In cell A1) in the same format as the previous sheet (yyyy/mm/dd) once done several other cells will auto populate based on that date and other select criteria.
My problem: I am looking for a formula that I can use on 'Page 2' cell A2 that will either A) return the same date from cell A1 if it exists and B) IF the date entered in cell A1 is not in the database, it will return the next largest date. (So if I wanted jan 1st but its not there, cell a2 would return jan 3rd (assuming it is there and jan 2nd isnt)).
Note: I have tried using IF(INDEX(MATCH....-1))) having the -1 return the next positive value. But the error that occurs is my dates Have to be in ascending order as a lot of other things require it.
Please help!