Hello, thank you so much for the help that's so kindly given here always!
I want/need to do something so simple, it's got to be possible.
Whether I have text wrap selected in Format Cells or not, it seems impossible to allow two lines of text I've created (using an alt+Return) to flow outside of the standard cell width, unless perhaps I merge cells.
Is that all I can do?
Is there a secret way to allow an alt+Return to create 2 lines of text that will flow over the cell width so I can change the height to accommodate the extra line of text?
I want/need to do something so simple, it's got to be possible.
Whether I have text wrap selected in Format Cells or not, it seems impossible to allow two lines of text I've created (using an alt+Return) to flow outside of the standard cell width, unless perhaps I merge cells.
Is that all I can do?
Is there a secret way to allow an alt+Return to create 2 lines of text that will flow over the cell width so I can change the height to accommodate the extra line of text?