As you may see its probably not the best way efficient, but it works almost the way I want it to except. At the end of macro I need it to leave me on workbook
Workbooks("FIle Zed Upload For Time Macro 2.xlsm").Activate
Which for some reason it doesn't now. If I play it slow motion then it does. So I'm confused on where the issue is.
Workbooks("FIle Zed Upload For Time Macro 2.xlsm").Activate
Which for some reason it doesn't now. If I play it slow motion then it does. So I'm confused on where the issue is.
Sub MoveCopy()
Sheets("Name Correction").Copy Before:=Workbooks( _
"FIle Zed Upload For Time Macro 2.xlsm").Sheets(1)
Windows("FIle Zed Upload For Time Macro 2.xlsm").Activate
Sheets("Name Correction").Move After:=Sheets(4)
Workbooks("FIle Zed Upload For Time Macro 2.xlsm").Activate
End Sub