I am a newbie to VB. I did not develop the original code. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the full code (line with error is in blue). This code was working fine with Outlook 2010 and Access 2010. Once my environment was upgraded to Outlook 365 and Access 365 the error began (
strEmailbody = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Body) when I click on the "Get from email" automation button in Access. Normally, an email with a certain subject line needs to open in Outlook along with a new record in Access to automatically import the fields from the outlook form to the Access database fields with the "Get from email" automation button.
'Module requirements:
'This Module1
'Form - "RAT Input Form"
'user must have RAT Input Form open!
'Report - "RAT Email Concurrance Template - GM"
'Query - "Query Menu - SEID Query - GM"
'if user does not have a c:\temp folder, it will be created
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub GenerateConfEmail()
'exports a report as RTF and pastes it into an email
Dim objOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objEmailform As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objWordApp As Word.Application
Dim objReportOutput As Word.Document
Dim strEmailSubject As String
Dim dateCurrentTime As Date
Dim i As Integer
'create objects for outlook/word
Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objEmailform = objOutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set objWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname:="RAT Email Concurrance Template - GM", View:=acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport, outputformat:=acFormatRTF, outputfile:="c:\temp\tempexp.doc"
DoCmd.Close acReport, "RAT EMAIL Concurrance Template - GM"
'temp file stored to local c:\temp folder
Set objReportOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempexp.doc")
objEmailform.Body = ""
BlockInput True
'pause (approx 3 seconds)
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00006472
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
'using sendkeys to put info in mail
SendKeys "%u", True
SendKeys "{TAB}", True
SendKeys "^v", True
SendKeys "%j", True
SendKeys "{TAB}", True
SendKeys "^v", True
End If
BlockInput False
On Error Resume Next
objEmailform.Recipients.Add Forms("RAT Input Form").Controls("User Email")
objEmailform.Recipients.Add Forms("RAT Input Form").Controls("Mgr Email")
objEmailform.Recipients.Add Forms("RAT Input Form").Controls("RAC Email")
strEmailSubject = "Request for concurrence - " & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User First Name") & " " & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Last Name") & " - IRAP Order #" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Record number")
objEmailform.Subject = strEmailSubject
objEmailform.SentOnBehalfOfName = "*IRAP"
objReportOutput.Close savechanges:=False
'do not want to autosend mail - user will review
End Sub
Sub FillRATFromEmail()
'gets the entries for RAT form from the email to *IRAP
Dim objOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim strEmailbody As String
Dim lStartPos As Long
Dim strCurrentText As String
Dim lStartNumber As Long
Dim lEndNumber As Long
Dim strAECategory As String
Dim strPrimaryAECategory As String
Dim byteIsBlind As Byte
Dim byteIsLV As Byte
Dim byteIsDeaf As Byte
Dim byteIsHOH As Byte
Dim byteISLD As Byte
Dim byteIsMob As Byte
Dim rectempset As Recordset
Dim recEmpAssignRecs As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
'the items IN ACCESS we want to return from the email
'each string must match the access field name perfectly
Dim STRCheckedItems(23) As String
STRCheckedItems(0) = "User First Name"
STRCheckedItems(1) = "User Last Name"
STRCheckedItems(2) = "User Email"
STRCheckedItems(3) = "SEID"
STRCheckedItems(4) = "User Phone"
STRCheckedItems(5) = "User Ext"
STRCheckedItems(6) = "User Fax Number"
STRCheckedItems(7) = "Mgr First Name"
STRCheckedItems(8) = "Mgr Last Name"
STRCheckedItems(9) = "Mgr phone"
STRCheckedItems(10) = "Mgr Ext"
STRCheckedItems(11) = "Mgr Email"
STRCheckedItems(12) = "Address 2"
STRCheckedItems(13) = "Functional Area"
STRCheckedItems(14) = "Address 1"
STRCheckedItems(15) = "Zip"
STRCheckedItems(16) = "City"
STRCheckedItems(17) = "State"
STRCheckedItems(18) = "RA Number"
STRCheckedItems(19) = "RAC First Name"
STRCheckedItems(20) = "RAC Last Name"
STRCheckedItems(21) = "RAC Email"
STRCheckedItems(22) = "RAC Phone"
STRCheckedItems(23) = "Work Schedule"
Dim STRReturnedItems(23) As String
'if the current record isn't blank, abort
If IsNull(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User First Name")) Then
Select Case Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User First Name")
Case "", "Blank", "BLANK", "blank"
Case Else
MsgBox ("You must use a blank or newly created record.")
Exit Sub
End Select
End If
'activeinspector.currentitem = the active task/email open in outlook
'if there isnt one, abort
If ActiveInspector Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
'if the email isn't a request for adaptive equipment, abort
If Left(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Subject, 30) <> "Request for Adaptive Equipment" Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
strEmailbody = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Body
'email body is plain text - must use string searches to get data
'will not be perfect - users should review
On Error Resume Next
'get name
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee Name:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee E-Mail:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 18, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 20)
STRReturnedItems(0) = Proper(Left(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, " ") - 1))
STRReturnedItems(1) = Proper(Mid(strCurrentText, InStrRev(strCurrentText, " ") + 1))
'get email
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee E-Mail:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee SEID No.:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 20, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 22)
STRReturnedItems(2) = Proper(strCurrentText)
'get seid
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee SEID No.:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee Phone No.:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 22, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 24)
STRReturnedItems(3) = UCase(Left(strCurrentText, 7))
'get emp phone and ext
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Employee Phone No.:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Schedule:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 23, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 25)
If InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") > 0 Then
STRReturnedItems(4) = Left(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") - 1)
STRReturnedItems(5) = Mid(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") + 1)
STRReturnedItems(4) = strCurrentText
End If
'get work schedule
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Schedule:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager Name:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 13, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 15)
STRReturnedItems(23) = strCurrentText
'get manager first and last name
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager Name:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager Phone No.:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 17, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 19)
STRReturnedItems(7) = Proper(Left(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, " ") - 1))
STRReturnedItems(8) = Proper(Mid(strCurrentText, InStrRev(strCurrentText, " ") + 1))
'get mgr phone and ext
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager Phone No.:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager E-Mail:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 22, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 24)
If InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") > 0 Then
STRReturnedItems(9) = Left(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") - 1)
STRReturnedItems(10) = Mid(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, "x") + 1)
STRReturnedItems(9) = strCurrentText
End If
'get POD
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mailing Address:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "City:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 20, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 22)
STRReturnedItems(12) = strCurrentText
'get zip
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Zip:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Disability Group:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 8, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 10)
STRReturnedItems(15) = strCurrentText
'get city
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "City:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "State:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 11)
STRReturnedItems(16) = Proper(strCurrentText)
'get state
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "State:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Zip:")
strCurrentText = UCase(Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 10, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 12))
Select Case strCurrentText
Case Is = "WY", "WV", "WI", "WA", "VT", "VA", "UT", "TX", "TN", "SD", "SC", "RI", "PR", "PA", "OR", "OK", "OH", "NY", "NV", "NM", "NJ", "NH", "NE", "ND", "NC", "MT", "MS", "MO", "MN", "MI", "ME", "MD", "MA", "LA", "KY", "KS", "IN", "IL", "ID", "IA", "HI", "GA", "FL", "DE", "DC", "CT", "CO", "CA", "AZ", "AR", "AL", "AK"
STRReturnedItems(17) = UCase(strCurrentText)
Case Else
STRReturnedItems(17) = ""
End Select
'RA information will not be shown on the refresh form
If Right(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Subject, 7) = "Refresh" Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Demand") = "Refresh"
'get mail stop/room
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mail Stop / Room No.:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mailing Address:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 25, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 27)
STRReturnedItems(14) = strCurrentText
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Disability Group:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
strAECategory = Trim(Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 21, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 23))
strPrimaryAECategory = strAECategory
'get functional area
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Product Being Refreshed:")
If lEndNumber - lStartNumber > 90 Then lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 17, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 19)
strCurrentText = Replace(strCurrentText, " ", "")
strCurrentText = Replace(strCurrentText, "&", " & ")
'If strCurrentText = "Counsel" Then strCurrentText = "Chief Councel"
STRReturnedItems(13) = strCurrentText
'get mgr email
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager E-Mail:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mail Stop / Room No.:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 19, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 21)
STRReturnedItems(11) = Proper(strCurrentText)
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = strPrimaryAECategory
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Demand") = "RA"
'get mail stop/room
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mail Stop / Room Number:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mailing Address:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 27, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 27)
STRReturnedItems(14) = strCurrentText
'get mgr email
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Manager E-Mail:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mail Stop / Room Number:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 19, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 21)
STRReturnedItems(11) = Proper(strCurrentText)
'get functional area
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator:")
If lEndNumber - lStartNumber > 90 Then lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 17, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 19)
strCurrentText = Replace(strCurrentText, " ", "")
strCurrentText = Replace(strCurrentText, "&", " & ")
'If strCurrentText = "Counsel" Then strCurrentText = "Chief Councel"
STRReturnedItems(13) = strCurrentText
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Blindness:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "HardofHearing:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 10, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 10)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = ", Blindness"
strPrimaryAECategory = "Blindness"
byteIsBlind = True
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "HardofHearing:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Learning:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 14, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 14)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Hard of Hearing"
byteIsHOH = True
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Hard of Hearing"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Learning:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "LowVision:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Learning"
byteISLD = True
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Learning"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "LowVision:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mobility:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 10, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 10)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Low Vision"
byteIsLV = True
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Low Vision"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mobility:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Deafness:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Mobility"
byteIsMob = True
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Mobility"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Deafness:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Deafness"
byteIsDeaf = True
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Deafness"
End If
'get RA number
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Request Number:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "General Comments:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 19, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 21)
STRReturnedItems(18) = strCurrentText
'get RA name
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator Email:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 16, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 18)
STRReturnedItems(19) = Proper(Left(strCurrentText, InStr(1, strCurrentText, " ") - 1))
STRReturnedItems(20) = Proper(Mid(strCurrentText, InStrRev(strCurrentText, " ") + 1))
'get ra coordinator email
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator Email:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator Phone:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 22, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 24)
STRReturnedItems(21) = Proper(strCurrentText)
'get ra coordinator phone
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Coordinator Phone:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "RA Request Number:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 22, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 24)
STRReturnedItems(22) = strCurrentText
End If
On Error Resume Next
'write the strings to the form
For i = 0 To 23
If STRReturnedItems(i) <> "" Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(STRCheckedItems(i)) = STRReturnedItems(i)
Next i
On Error Resume Next
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("GONE") = "No"
'if the user has entered a valid POD from the POD list, the POD will be updated to be the same as Address 2
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Address 2").SetFocus
Set rectempset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Name:="SELECT [Post of Duty DD].[POD Street Address], [Post of Duty DD].[POD City], [Post of Duty DD].[POD State], [Post of Duty DD].[POD Territory] FROM [Post of Duty DD] WHERE [Post of Duty DD].[POD Street Address] = '" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Address 2").Text & "'")
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Post of Duty") = "Depot 2021 East Woodward St."
Set rectempset = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
'get disability group - will be needed to determine who gets assignment
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Disability Group:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
strAECategory = Trim(Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 21, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 23))
Select Case strPrimaryAECategory
Case "Deafness", "Deaf", "Hard of Hearing"
Set recEmpAssignRecs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [Deaf/HoH Assess] = True")
Case "Blind", "Blindness", "Low Vision"
Set recEmpAssignRecs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [LV/Blind Assess] = True")
Case "Mobility"
Set recEmpAssignRecs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [Mobility Assess] = True")
Case "Learning Disability", "Learning"
Set recEmpAssignRecs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [LD Assess] = True")
End Select
recEmpAssignRecs.Move (Int(recEmpAssignRecs.RecordCount * Rnd))
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assigned To") = recEmpAssignRecs.Fields("First Name")
'determine assessment type
'if more than 3 disabilities, call it multiple
If CInt(byteIsBlind) + CInt(byteIsDeaf) + CInt(byteISLD) + CInt(byteIsHOH) + CInt(byteIsLV) + CInt(byteIsMob) > 700 Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Multiple"
If byteIsBlind Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind"
If byteIsDeaf Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind/Deaf"
If byteIsHOH Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind/HOH"
If byteISLD Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind/LD"
If byteIsLV Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind/LV"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Blind/Mob"
If byteIsLV Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Low Vision"
If byteIsDeaf Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LV/Deaf"
If byteIsHOH Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LV/HOH"
If byteISLD Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LV/LD"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LV/Mob"
If byteIsDeaf Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Deaf"
If byteIsHOH Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Deaf/HOH"
If byteISLD Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Deaf/LD"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Deaf/Mob"
If byteISLD Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Learning Disability"
If byteIsHOH Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LD/HOH"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "LD/Mob"
If byteIsHOH Then
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Hard of Hearing"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "HOH/Mob"
If byteIsMob Then Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assessment Type") = "Mobility"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'set todays date
Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Request Date") = CDate(Int(Now))
End Sub
Sub ResponseMail()
Dim objOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objPriorEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objOurReply As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strResponseText As String
Dim strAssignedTo As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim iStartHere As Integer
Dim iEndHere As Integer
Dim strRemovedText As String
Dim recEmpAssignRecs As Recordset
'if an email isn't open in outlook, abort
If ActiveInspector Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set objPriorEmail = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
'if the email isn't a request for adaptive equipment, abort
If Left(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Subject, 30) <> "Request for Adaptive Equipment" Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set recEmpAssignRecs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [First Name] = '" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assigned to") & "'")
Set objOurReply = objPriorEmail.Reply
'code to remove any signatures
'removes all html from the body tag to the outlook reply header
iStartHere = InStr(1, objOurReply.HTMLBody, "******>") + 6
iEndHere = InStr(1, objOurReply.HTMLBody, "
If iEndHere = 0 Then iEndHere = InStr(1, objOurReply.HTMLBody, "")
If iEndHere <> 0 Then
strRemovedText = Mid(objOurReply.HTMLBody, iStartHere, iEndHere - iStartHere)
objOurReply.HTMLBody = Replace(objOurReply.HTMLBody, strRemovedText, "
End If
On Error Resume Next
objOurReply.SentOnBehalfOfName = "*IRAP"
objOurReply.Recipients.Add (Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Email"))
objOurReply.Recipients.Add (Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Mgr Email"))
objOurReply.Recipients.Add (Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("RAC Email"))
On Error GoTo 0
'future state - pull info from employee table
strAssignedTo = recEmpAssignRecs.Fields("First Name") & " " & recEmpAssignRecs.Fields("Last Name") & " at " & recEmpAssignRecs.Fields("Work Phone") & ". " & recEmpAssignRecs.Fields("First Name")
If Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("demand") = "Refresh" Then
strResponseText = "Thank you for contacting the IRAP office. Your request, Order #" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Record number") & ", has been assigned to " & strAssignedTo & " will be contacting the customer to discuss this request for replacement equipment. Let us know if you have any questions." & "
" & "Thanks," & "
" & "IRAP"
strResponseText = "Thank you for contacting the IRAP office. Your request, Order #" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Record number") & ", has been assigned to " & strAssignedTo & " will be contacting the customer to schedule a date and time for a needs assessment. Let us know if you have any questions." & "
" & "Thanks," & "
" & "IRAP"
End If
objOurReply.HTMLBody = strResponseText & objOurReply.HTMLBody
End Sub
Sub CreateOffContract()
If InputBox("Type " & Chr(34) & "off" & Chr(34) & " to create an off contract record for this order.") <> "off" Then Exit Sub
Dim ctlTestedControl As Control
Dim objOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objNewTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim objCheckedTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim objIRAPFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim foundit As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim recEmpAssignSet As Recordset
Dim strAssigneeSEID As String
Dim dateCurrentTime As Date
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Off Contract input form")
DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Off Contract input form", acNewRec
On Error Resume Next
For Each ctlTestedControl In Forms("Off contract input form").Controls
ctlTestedControl = Forms("RAT input form").Controls(ctlTestedControl.Name)
Next ctlTestedControl
On Error GoTo 0
Set ctlTestedControl = Nothing
Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("*IRAP")
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("Mailbox - *IRAP")
End If
foundit = 0
For Each objCheckedTask In objIRAPFolder.Folders("*IRAP tasks").Items
If objCheckedTask.Subject Like "*Order [#]" & Forms("Rat input form").Controls("record number") & " --*" Then
foundit = 1
Set objNewTask = objIRAPFolder.Folders("*IRAP tasks").Items.Add(olTaskItem)
objNewTask.DueDate = objCheckedTask.DueDate
objNewTask.startdate = objCheckedTask.startdate
objNewTask.ReminderSet = objCheckedTask.ReminderSet
objNewTask.Categories = Forms("Rat input form").Controls("assigned to")
objNewTask.Subject = Replace(objCheckedTask.Subject, Forms("Rat input form").Controls("record number"), Forms("off contract input form").Controls("off contract Record"))
Set recEmpAssignSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [First Name] = '" & Forms("Rat input form").Controls("Assigned To") & "'")
strAssigneeSEID = recEmpAssignSet.Fields("SEID")
objNewTask.Recipients.Add strAssigneeSEID
'BlockInput True
For i = 1 To 9
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00009472
SendKeys "{TAB}", True
Debug.Print i
Next i
SendKeys "^a", True
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00001472
SendKeys "^c", True
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00001472
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00003472
'SendKeys "%J"
'SendKeys "{TAB 9}"
SendKeys "^v", True
'BlockInput False
objCheckedTask.Close olDiscard
Exit For
End If
Next objCheckedTask
If foundit = 0 Then MsgBox ("Matching task not found. Please create the task manually.")
Set objOutlookApp = Nothing
Set objNewTask = Nothing
Set objCheckedTask = Nothing
Set recEmpAssignSet = Nothing
End Sub
Sub CreateOutlookTask()
'using table
Dim objOutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objPriorEmail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objOurNewTask As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim objIRAPFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim testvar As Object
'Outlook only supports plain text in MailItem.Body
'using Word to edit/format our items
Dim objWordApp As Word.Application
Dim objEmailOutput As Word.Document
Dim objQueryOutput As Word.Document
Dim objSWQueryOutput As Word.Document
Dim objD3QueryOutput As Word.Document
Dim wrkD3Workspace As Workspace
Dim dbD3DB As Database
Dim qryD3SEIDQuery As QueryDef
Dim recD3SEIDQueryResults As Recordset
Dim recEmpAssignSet As Recordset
Dim strCurrentText As String
Dim strAssignerName As String
Dim strAssigneeSEID As String
Dim strEmailbody As String
Dim strAECategory As String
Dim strPrimaryAECategory As String
Dim lStartNumber As Long
Dim lEndNumber As Long
Dim dateCurrentTime As Date
On Error Resume Next
Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("*IRAP")
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("Mailbox - *IRAP")
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("mapi").Folders("
Set objIRAPFolder = GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders("Mailbox - *IRAP")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'if an email isn't open in outlook, abort
If ActiveInspector Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo a:
Set objPriorEmail = ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
'if the email isn't a request for adaptive equipment, abort
If Left(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Subject, 30) <> "Request for Adaptive Equipment" Then
MsgBox ("You must open the Request for Adaptive Equipment email.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set recEmpAssignSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [seid] = '" & Environ("UserName") & "'")
strAssignerName = recEmpAssignSet.Fields("First Name")
Set recEmpAssignSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [IRAP Employees] WHERE [First Name] = '" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assigned To") & "'")
strAssigneeSEID = recEmpAssignSet.Fields("SEID")
strEmailbody = objPriorEmail.Body
On Error GoTo b:
Set objOutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set objD3QueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Add
'get disability group - will be needed to determine who gets assignment
If Right(ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Subject, 7) = "Refresh" Then
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Disability Group:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
strPrimaryAECategory = Trim(Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 21, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 23))
strAECategory = ", " & strPrimaryAECategory
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Blindness:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "HardofHearing:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 10, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 10)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = ", Blindness"
strPrimaryAECategory = "Blindness"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "HardofHearing:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Learning:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 14, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 14)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Hard of Hearing"
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Hard of Hearing"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Learning:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "LowVision:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Learning"
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Learning"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "LowVision:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mobility:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 10, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 10)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Low Vision"
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Low Vision"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Mobility:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Deafness:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Mobility"
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Mobility"
End If
lStartNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Deafness:")
lEndNumber = InStr(1, strEmailbody, "Organization:")
strCurrentText = Mid(strEmailbody, lStartNumber + 9, lEndNumber - lStartNumber - 9)
If strCurrentText Like "*on*" Then
strAECategory = strAECategory & ", Deafness"
If strPrimaryAECategory = "" Then strPrimaryAECategory = "Deafness"
End If
End If
'we are creating up to 3 temp files in c:\temp - they get combined to create email
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objPriorEmail.SaveAs Path:="c:\temp\tempmail.rtf", Type:=olRTF
objPriorEmail.SaveAs Path:="c:\temp\tempmail.doc", Type:=olHTML
End If
BlockInput True
'query for all entries on this seid
'output the query as html
DoCmd.OpenQuery queryname:="Query Menu - SEID Query - GM"
'check to see if the query returned anything
If Screen.ActiveDatasheet.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
'if it did, save the results to word doc
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputQuery, outputformat:=acFormatRTF, outputfile:="c:\temp\tempquery.rtf"
DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputQuery, outputformat:=acFormatHTML, outputfile:="c:\temp\tempquery.doc"
End If
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Query Menu - SEID Query - GM"
'if it didn't, make a blank word doc stating there are no orders in d4
Set objQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Add
objQueryOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).InsertAfter Text:=("No prior orders in D4.")
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objQueryOutput.SaveAs "c:\temp\tempquery.rtf"
objQueryOutput.SaveAs "c:\temp\tempquery.doc"
End If
objQueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Query Menu - SEID Query - GM"
End If
'same thing for software query
DoCmd.OpenQuery queryname:="Query Menu - Software Spreadsheet SEID or Last Name - GM"
If Screen.ActiveDatasheet.Recordset.RecordCount > 0 Then
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputQuery, outputformat:=acFormatRTF, outputfile:="c:\temp\tempswqry.rtf"
DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputQuery, outputformat:=acFormatHTML, outputfile:="c:\temp\tempswqry.doc"
End If
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Query Menu - Software Spreadsheet SEID or Last Name - GM"
Set objSWQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Add
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objSWQueryOutput.SaveAs "c:\temp\tempswqry.rtf"
objSWQueryOutput.SaveAs "c:\temp\tempswqry.doc"
End If
objSWQueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "Query Menu - Software Spreadsheet SEID or Last Name - GM"
End If
'setup for external query to D3
Set wrkD3Workspace = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "")
Set dbD3DB = wrkD3Workspace.OpenDatabase("
\\NCT0010VPSCC1\common\MITS\ACIO\StratPlan\Isocsp\teams\Adaptive Technology\DESAC 3\desac 3 database.mdb")
Set qryD3SEIDQuery = dbD3DB.QueryDefs("SEID Query for All Orders-CLINs and Serial Numbers")
'use the SEID from RAT form as the query parameter
qryD3SEIDQuery.Parameters(0).Value = Forms("RAT Input Form").Controls("SEID")
Set recD3SEIDQueryResults = qryD3SEIDQuery.OpenRecordset
If recD3SEIDQueryResults.RecordCount > 0 Then
'if we have records, create a word table to hold them
objD3QueryOutput.Tables.Add Range:=objD3QueryOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0), numrows:=1, numcolumns:=6
'make the table pretty
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).AllowAutoFit = True
With objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1)
With .Borders(wdBorderLeft)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderRight)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderTop)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderBottom)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth050pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
With .Borders(wdBorderVertical)
.LineStyle = wdLineStyleSingle
.LineWidth = wdLineWidth075pt
.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
.Borders(wdBorderDiagonalDown).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
.Borders(wdBorderDiagonalUp).LineStyle = wdLineStyleNone
.Borders.Shadow = False
End With
'title each section
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(1).Range.Text = "D3 Order No"
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(2).Range.Text = "Last"
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(3).Range.Text = "First"
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(4).Range.Text = "Serial"
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(5).Range.Text = "CLIN"
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(6).Range.Text = "Desc"
'loop through the records and make a row for each instance of this seid in D3
Do While Not recD3SEIDQueryResults.EOF
On Error Resume Next
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(1).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(0))
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(2).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(1))
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(3).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(2))
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(4).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(3))
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(5).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(4))
objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows(objD3QueryOutput.Tables(1).Rows.Count).Cells(6).Range.Text = CStr(recD3SEIDQueryResults.Fields(5))
On Error GoTo b:
'save the file
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objD3QueryOutput.SaveAs ("c:\temp\tempd3.docx")
objD3QueryOutput.SaveAs ("c:\temp\tempd3.doc")
End If
objD3QueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
'if no query results, make a word doc saying so...
objD3QueryOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).InsertAfter Text:=("No prior orders in D3.")
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objD3QueryOutput.SaveAs ("c:\temp\tempd3.docx")
objD3QueryOutput.SaveAs ("c:\temp\tempd3.doc")
End If
objD3QueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
End If
'copy the d4query
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
Set objQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempquery.rtf")
Set objQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempquery.doc")
End If
If objQueryOutput.Tables.Count > 0 Then
objWordApp.Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
End If
'paste it into the word doc with the original email from *IRAP
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
Set objEmailOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempmail.rtf")
Set objEmailOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempmail.doc")
End If
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).InsertAfter Text:=Chr(10)
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).Paste
objQueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
'copy in the software query
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
Set objSWQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempswqry.rtf")
Set objSWQueryOutput = objWordApp.Documents.Open("c:\temp\tempswqry.doc")
End If
If objSWQueryOutput.Tables.Count > 0 Then
objWordApp.Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
End If
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).InsertAfter Text:=Chr(10)
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).Paste
objSWQueryOutput.Close savechanges:=False
'copy the d3query
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
objWordApp.Documents.Open ("c:\temp\tempd3.docx")
objWordApp.Documents.Open ("c:\temp\tempd3.doc")
End If
'paste it into the word doc
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).InsertAfter Text:=Chr(10)
objEmailOutput.Range(Start:=0, End:=0).Paste
'copy the word doc - now has both queries and the email
'create a new task
BlockInput False
Set objOurNewTask = objIRAPFolder.Folders("*IRAP tasks").Items.Add(olTaskItem)
On Error GoTo 0
AppActivate ("Untitled - Task")
'pause (approx 2 seconds)
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00003472
If IsNull(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Phone")) Then
objOurNewTask.Subject = "Order #" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Order Number") & " -- " & CStr(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User First Name")) & " " & CStr(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Last Name")) & strAECategory
objOurNewTask.Subject = "Order #" & Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Order Number") & " -- " & CStr(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User First Name")) & " " & CStr(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Last Name")) & strAECategory & " -- " & CStr(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("User Phone"))
End If
objOurNewTask.DueDate = CDate(Int(Now()) + 14)
objOurNewTask.startdate = CDate(Int(Now()))
objOurNewTask.ReminderSet = False
objOurNewTask.Categories = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("Assigned To")
Select Case strPrimaryAECategory
Case "Deafness", "Deaf", "Hard of Hearing", "Blind", "Blindness", "Low Vision", "Learning Disability", "Learning"
objOurNewTask.TotalWork = 120
Case "Mobility"
objOurNewTask.TotalWork = 180
Case Else
End Select
objOurNewTask.Recipients.Add strAssigneeSEID
BlockInput True
'pause (approx 3 seconds)
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00006472
'can't set focus to the task body in Outlook easily
'so we use sendkeys to paste the word doc into our task
If objOutlookApp.Version Like "14*" Then
SendKeys "%u", True
SendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}", True
SendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}", True
End If
SendKeys Month(Now) & "/" & Day(Now) & " - Assigned to " & objOurNewTask.Categories & " by " & strAssignerName
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
SendKeys "{ENTER}"
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00003472
SendKeys "^v", True
dateCurrentTime = Now
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00001472
SendKeys "+{TAB} ", False
Do While (Now - dateCurrentTime) < 0.00003472
'done with word/access objects
On Error Resume Next
BlockInput False
objWordApp.Quit savechanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
If Not dbD3DB Is Nothing Then dbD3DB.Close
If Not wrkD3Workspace Is Nothing Then wrkD3Workspace.Close
End Sub