Please help!
I am trying to create an IF formula using multiple ranges ranging from 0-8=.5, 9-16=1, 17-24=1.5, etc. and I am having a terribly hard time figuring out how to write it. I use google sheets for excel and would greatly appreciate some insight as to how I can create a formula that actually works. Currently, the formula I tried is "=IFS((C3>=0,C3<=8),0.05,IF(C3>=9,C3<=16),1,IF(C3>=17,C3<=24),1.5,IF(C3>=25,C3<=32),2,IF(C3>=33,C3<=40),2.5,IF(C3>=41,C3<=45),2.75,IF(C3>=46,C3<=49),3)". I've tried multiple tweaks to it but haven't had any success. If you have any insight, please help!
Thank you
I am trying to create an IF formula using multiple ranges ranging from 0-8=.5, 9-16=1, 17-24=1.5, etc. and I am having a terribly hard time figuring out how to write it. I use google sheets for excel and would greatly appreciate some insight as to how I can create a formula that actually works. Currently, the formula I tried is "=IFS((C3>=0,C3<=8),0.05,IF(C3>=9,C3<=16),1,IF(C3>=17,C3<=24),1.5,IF(C3>=25,C3<=32),2,IF(C3>=33,C3<=40),2.5,IF(C3>=41,C3<=45),2.75,IF(C3>=46,C3<=49),3)". I've tried multiple tweaks to it but haven't had any success. If you have any insight, please help!
Thank you