I need a formula for figuring out the number of days in the month and then figuring the prorated amount.
Contract Start: 9/7/23
All contracts based on 30 days/month
Monthly amount: $2,000
Prorated amount based on # of days in effect: ?
So I need:
30 days - the date of the month = #of days in effect
(30-7=23 +1)
($2,000/30 = $66.67/daily
(24 * 66.67 = $1600.08
I would also like to add - if it's less than 15 days just the prorated amount, if it's greater than 15 days then the prorated amount plus the monthly amount
So: 9/7/23 would bring the above total and 9/23/23 would be $2,000 + the prorated amount.
Hope I made that understandable.
Contract Start: 9/7/23
All contracts based on 30 days/month
Monthly amount: $2,000
Prorated amount based on # of days in effect: ?
So I need:
30 days - the date of the month = #of days in effect
(30-7=23 +1)
($2,000/30 = $66.67/daily
(24 * 66.67 = $1600.08
I would also like to add - if it's less than 15 days just the prorated amount, if it's greater than 15 days then the prorated amount plus the monthly amount
So: 9/7/23 would bring the above total and 9/23/23 would be $2,000 + the prorated amount.
Hope I made that understandable.