edit: sorry, but I typed the title incorrect. It wont allow me to edit that either. It should say: " d:h:m:s "
numbers that I have formatted so they appear this way:
like this:
do not sort in the correct order when I use:
And it doesnt make any difference how I format the cells, custom (I tried many different ways), general, time, date, text... it always comes out the same.
Any suggestions for how can I change the format or number sequence in order to make it sort correctly?
When sorted from left-to-right, it looks like this: (all is in the correct order until the cells that are circled in red)
numbers that I have formatted so they appear this way:
like this:
do not sort in the correct order when I use:
VBA Code:
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("NOT-ACTIVE").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("N15", Range("N15").End(xlToRight)), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
And it doesnt make any difference how I format the cells, custom (I tried many different ways), general, time, date, text... it always comes out the same.
Any suggestions for how can I change the format or number sequence in order to make it sort correctly?
When sorted from left-to-right, it looks like this: (all is in the correct order until the cells that are circled in red)