Hi All,
I'm looking for some help with a dynamic clustered stacked column graph. I've been using the fantastic guide provided by Jon Peltier http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/clu...mn-bar-charts/ which has gotten me 1/2 way to my goal, but I can't get the chart to work dynamically (it's missing out some of the series in the later fortnights..
I'm designing the spreadsheet for use by people not particularly proficient in excel, so it's important that they can simply key in the data and the chart then works dynamically to change (InputData tab).
I've currently got 10 series (of which 6 are displayed below due to space) which shouldn't change over time, but each passing fortnight new data will need to be entered for the 10 series. The chart needs to display the previous 6 or 12 fortnights worth of data which I'm using the ChtLen1 named range. The other named ranges use OFFSET formulas
Any help you could offer would be appreciated, I've got a number of other charts to work dynamically but only where there is one entry for the dates on the left hand side i.e 21/2011 them 23/2011 on the following row
Input Data Tab
Length 40
Bought and Sold
Week Type A Bought Type A Sold Type B Bought Type B Sold Type C Bought Type C Sold
21/2011 10 16
21/2011 23 8
21/2011 4 8
22/2011 10 15
22/2011 10 9
22/2011 5 9
23/2011 10 9
23/2011 5 9
23/2011 5 9
I'm using dynamic named ranges for the the series along the top (Type A Bought week 21/2011 =OFFSET(chtCats1,0,1)
The formula for ChCats1 is
And the formula =InputData!$B$4 for ChLen1
I'm looking for some help with a dynamic clustered stacked column graph. I've been using the fantastic guide provided by Jon Peltier http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/clu...mn-bar-charts/ which has gotten me 1/2 way to my goal, but I can't get the chart to work dynamically (it's missing out some of the series in the later fortnights..
I'm designing the spreadsheet for use by people not particularly proficient in excel, so it's important that they can simply key in the data and the chart then works dynamically to change (InputData tab).
I've currently got 10 series (of which 6 are displayed below due to space) which shouldn't change over time, but each passing fortnight new data will need to be entered for the 10 series. The chart needs to display the previous 6 or 12 fortnights worth of data which I'm using the ChtLen1 named range. The other named ranges use OFFSET formulas
Any help you could offer would be appreciated, I've got a number of other charts to work dynamically but only where there is one entry for the dates on the left hand side i.e 21/2011 them 23/2011 on the following row
Input Data Tab
Length 40
Bought and Sold
Week Type A Bought Type A Sold Type B Bought Type B Sold Type C Bought Type C Sold
21/2011 10 16
21/2011 23 8
21/2011 4 8
22/2011 10 15
22/2011 10 9
22/2011 5 9
23/2011 10 9
23/2011 5 9
23/2011 5 9
I'm using dynamic named ranges for the the series along the top (Type A Bought week 21/2011 =OFFSET(chtCats1,0,1)
The formula for ChCats1 is
And the formula =InputData!$B$4 for ChLen1