Getting the hang of Power Pivot but I've run into a problem sorting by month name.
I created a lookup table including the numbers of each month and have a few tables with date columns that are all sorted by the month number in the lookup table.
There is one table however that is giving me an error when I try to sort the month name column by the month number column in the lookup table.
I'm not sure why I'm receiving this error for only this table when it works fine in the others.
Cannot sort Delivery Month by Month Num because at least one value in Delivery Month has multiple distinct values in Month Num. For example, you can sort [City] by [Region] because there is only one region for each city, but you cannot sort [Region] by [City] because there are multiple cities for each region.
Getting the hang of Power Pivot but I've run into a problem sorting by month name.
I created a lookup table including the numbers of each month and have a few tables with date columns that are all sorted by the month number in the lookup table.
There is one table however that is giving me an error when I try to sort the month name column by the month number column in the lookup table.
I'm not sure why I'm receiving this error for only this table when it works fine in the others.
Cannot sort Delivery Month by Month Num because at least one value in Delivery Month has multiple distinct values in Month Num. For example, you can sort [City] by [Region] because there is only one region for each city, but you cannot sort [Region] by [City] because there are multiple cities for each region.