Trouble setting a print area..


Well-known Member
May 11, 2009
Hi all, I'm trying to set the print area using VBA and I'm getting an object error.. any idea why?

CTRp.Sheets("MDR").PageSetup.PrintArea = CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("A1:N" & CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row)
Presuming CTRp has a worksheet called "MDR" can you show how you set CTRp?
Upvote 0
Sure, the workbook definitely has a worksheet called MDR and CTRp is loaded like this:

Dim CTRp As Workbook
Set CTRp = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Wb.Range("CTRTemplateLocation"), ReadOnly:=True)
Upvote 0
Struggling to see anything wrong with what you have provided. The workbook variable must be correct or it would fail earlier. Maybe provide all the code and can take a look at that.
Upvote 0
Thanks Steve, so here is the triggering macro (running from a button on a userform), the two lines of code that are causing error are in this macro (currently deactivated):

Private Sub CreateCTRs_Click()Dim Ploc As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
If Me.MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Name = "Page1" Then Ploc = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Settings").Range("ScheduleTemplateLocation"): NB = True
If Me.MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Name = "Page2" Then Ploc = Me.EPrjLoc.Value: NB = False
If Me.MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Name = "Page3" Then GoTo skip
Call RunProject.CreateCTRs(Me.CTRNo.Value, Me.ProjectBox.Value, Me.ClientBox.Value, Me.TechL.Value, Curr_S, Region_S, SL_Level, Ploc, NB)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'CTRp.Sheets("MDR").PageSetup.PrintArea = CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("A1:N" & CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row)
'CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").PageSetup.PrintArea = CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("A1:J" & CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row)

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Then here is the working macro (it pulls info from MS Project and builds up an Excel workbook)

Sub CreateCTRs(CTRNo, Project, Customer, TechL, Curr, Region, SL_L, Ploc As String, NB)Dim t As Task
Dim Proj As MSProject.Application
Dim Wb As Worksheet
Dim Prj As Project
Dim CTRp As Workbook
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Settings")
        If Curr = "" Then Curr = "USD"
        If Curr = "GBP" Then NumberF = "_-[$£-en-GB]* #,##0_-;-[$£-en-GB]* #,##0_-;_-[$£-en-GB]* ""-""??_-;_-@_-"
        If Curr = "USD" Then NumberF = "_-[$$-en-US]* #,##0_ ;_-[$$-en-US]* -#,##0 ;_-[$$-en-US]* ""-""??_ ;_-@_ "
        If Curr = "EUR" Then NumberF = "_-[$€-x-euro2] * #,##0_-;-[$€-x-euro2] * #,##0_-;_-[$€-x-euro2] * ""-""??_-;_-@_-"
        If Curr = "NOK" Then NumberF = "_ [$kr-smj-NO] * #,##0_ ;_ [$kr-smj-NO] * -#,##0_ ;_ [$kr-smj-NO] * ""-""??_ ;_ @_ "
        If Curr = "BRL" Then NumberF = "_-[$R$-pt-BR] * #,##0_-;-[$R$-pt-BR] * #,##0.00_-;_-[$R$-pt-BR] * ""-""??_-;_-@_-"
        If Curr = "CAD" Then NumberF = "_-[$$-en-CA]* #,##0_-;-[$$-en-CA]* #,##0_-;_-[$$-en-CA]* ""-""??_-;_-@_-"
        If Curr = "AUD" Then NumberF = "_-[$$-en-AU]* #,##0_-;-[$$-en-AU]* #,##0_-;_-[$$-en-AU]* ""-""??_-;_-@_-"

If NB = False Then
    Set Proj = CreateObject("MSProject.Application")
    Proj.FileOpen Name:=Ploc, ReadOnly:=False, openPool:=pjPoolReadOnly
End If
Set Prj = GetObject(Ploc)
'Count CTRs
ReDim CTRs(Prj.Tasks.Count)
r1 = 0
For Each t In Prj.Tasks
    If t.WBS = "1" Then
            chs = 1: chx = 0: Rs = 0: rn = t.Notes
            ReDim PRi(6)
            For ch = 1 To Len(rn)
                If Mid(rn, ch, 1) = "|" Then
                    PRi(chx) = Mid(rn, chs, (ch - chs))
                    chs = ch + 1: chx = chx + 1: Rs = Rs + 1
                End If
            Next ch
            If Rs = 0 Then PRi(chx) = rn
            If Rs > 0 Then PRi(chx) = Mid(rn, chs, Len(rn) - chs + 1)
            Customer = PRi(0)
            Project = PRi(1)
            TechL = PRi(2)
            CTRNo = PRi(3)
            Curr = PRi(4)
            Region = PRi(5)
            SL = PRi(6)
    End If
    If Not t Is Nothing Then
    If t.Active = True Then
        If Not t.Text2 = "" Then
            If Not t.Text2 = "CTR #:" Then
                For r0 = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
                    If CTRs(r0) = t.Text2 Then GoTo skipr0
                Next r0
                CTRs(r1) = t.Text2
                r1 = r1 + 1
            End If
        End If

    End If
    End If
Next t

CTRCount = 0
For i = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
    If Not CTRs(i) = "" Then CTRCount = CTRCount + 1
Next i
ReDim Preserve CTRs(CTRCount - 1)

'Build CTR Array
ReDim CTRArray(CTRCount - 1, Prj.Tasks.Count, 9)
For r2 = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
    r3 = 0
    For Each t In Prj.Tasks
        If t.Text2 = CTRs(r2) And t.Active = True Then
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 0) = t.Name
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 1) = t.Text1
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 2) = t.ResourceNames
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 3) = t.Work
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 4) = t.Duration
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 5) = t.Start
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 6) = t.Finish
            CTRArray(r2, r3, 7) = t.Text4
        r3 = r3 + 1
        End If
    Next t
Next r2

'Set up CTR Tabs
Set CTRp = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Wb.Range("CTRTemplateLocation"), ReadOnly:=True)
Z = 1
For i = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
    Set ws = CTRp.Sheets("CTR1")
    ws.Copy After:=CTRp.Sheets(CTRp.Sheets("CTR1").Index + (Z - 1))
    Set wsNew = CTRp.Sheets(CTRp.Sheets("CTR1").Index + Z)
    wsNew.Name = "CTR" & CTRs(i)
    Z = Z + 1
Next i
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MDRRow = 11
MD = 1
INPRow = 11
IP = 1

'Populate CTR Template
'Create Arrays
For i = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
    'Populate Scope of Work Array
    ReDim SoW(UBound(CTRArray, 2), 4)
    k = 0
    For j = LBound(CTRArray, 2) To UBound(CTRArray, 2)
        If Not CTRArray(i, j, 0) = "" Then
            SoW(k, 0) = CTRArray(i, j, 0)
            SoW(k, 1) = CTRArray(i, j, 4)
            SoW(k, 2) = CTRArray(i, j, 5)
            SoW(k, 3) = CTRArray(i, j, 6)
            SoW(k, 4) = CTRArray(i, j, 2)
            k = k + 1
        End If
    Next j
    'Populate Deliverables Array
    ReDim Del(UBound(CTRArray, 2), 4)
    l = 0
    For j = LBound(CTRArray, 2) To UBound(CTRArray, 2)
        If Not CTRArray(i, j, 1) = "" Then
            Del(l, 0) = CTRArray(i, j, 1)
            Del(l, 1) = CTRArray(i, j, 4)
            Del(l, 2) = CTRArray(i, j, 5)
            Del(l, 3) = CTRArray(i, j, 6)
            Del(l, 4) = CTRArray(i, j, 2)
            l = l + 1
        End If
    Next j
    'Populate Inputs Array
        ReDim InpArray(50, 5)
        n = 0
    For j = LBound(CTRArray, 2) To UBound(CTRArray, 2)
        If Not CTRArray(i, j, 7) = "" Then
        chs = 1: chx = 0: Rs = 0: rn = CTRArray(i, j, 7)
        ReDim Inp(19, 3)

        If Len(rn) > 0 Then
            For ch = 1 To Len(rn)
                If Mid(rn, ch, 1) = "," Then
                    Inp(chx, 0) = Mid(rn, chs, (ch - chs))
                    chs = ch + 1: chx = chx + 1: Rs = Rs + 1
                End If
            Next ch
            If Rs = 0 Then Inp(chx, 0) = rn
            If Rs > 0 Then Inp(chx, 0) = Mid(rn, chs, Len(rn) - chs + 1)
            'Collect into main array
            For R = LBound(Inp, 1) To UBound(Inp, 1)
                flg = 0
                If Inp(R, 0) = "0" Or Inp(R, 0) = "" Then
                    For q = LBound(InpArray, 1) To UBound(InpArray, 1)
                        If Not InpArray(q, 0) = "" And InpArray(q, 0) = Inp(R, 0) Then flg = 1: Exit For
                    Next q
                    If flg = 1 Then
                        'do nothing for dupes
                    End If
                    If flg = 0 Then
                        For s = LBound(InpArray, 1) To UBound(InpArray, 1)
                            If InpArray(s, 0) = "" Then InpArray(s, 0) = Inp(R, 0): InpArray(s, 1) = CTRArray(i, j, 5): n = n + 1: Exit For
                        Next s
                    End If
                End If
            Next R
        End If
        End If
    Next j
    'Resources Array
'Extract Resources
        ReDim ResArray(50, 5)
        M = 0
        P = 0
    For j = LBound(CTRArray, 2) To UBound(CTRArray, 2)
        chs = 1: chx = 0: Rs = 0: rn = CTRArray(i, j, 2)
        ReDim Res(19, 3)
        If Len(rn) > 0 Then
            For ch = 1 To Len(rn)
                If Mid(rn, ch, 1) = "," Then
                    Res(chx, 0) = Mid(rn, chs, (ch - chs))
                    chs = ch + 1: chx = chx + 1: Rs = Rs + 1
                End If
            Next ch
            If Rs = 0 Then Res(chx, 0) = rn
            If Rs > 0 Then Res(chx, 0) = Mid(rn, chs, Len(rn) - chs + 1)
        'Extract % Util
            Tutil = 0
            For R = LBound(Res, 1) To Rs
                If Right(Res(R, 0), 1) = "]" Then
                    If Right(Res(R, 0), 2) = "%]" Then
                        If Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 2) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 3, 2)
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 5)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 3, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 2) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 2, 1)
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 5, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 2) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4, 1)
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 6)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 6, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 2) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 5, 1)
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 7)
                        End If
                        Tutil = Tutil + Res(R, 2)
                        If Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 3, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 3) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 2, 2)
                            Res(R, 1) = "Material"
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 2, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 3) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 1, 1)
                            Res(R, 1) = "Material"
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 3)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 3) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 3, 1)
                            Res(R, 1) = "Material"
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 5)
                        ElseIf Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 5, 1) = "[" Then
                            Res(R, 3) = Mid(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 4, 1)
                            Res(R, 1) = "Material"
                            Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), Len(Res(R, 0)) - 6)
                        End If
                    End If
                    Res(R, 2) = 100
                    Tutil = Tutil + Res(R, 2)
                End If
            Next R
        'Extract Location
            For R = LBound(Res, 1) To Rs
                If Not Res(R, 1) = "Material" Then
                    LocS = 0
                    For ch = 1 To Len(Res(R, 0))
                        If Mid(Res(R, 0), ch, 1) = "(" Then LocS = ch
                        If Mid(Res(R, 0), ch, 1) = ")" Then locF = ch
                    Next ch
                    If LocS > 0 Then
                        Res(R, 1) = Mid(Res(R, 0), LocS + 1, (locF - LocS) - 1)
                        Res(R, 0) = Left(Res(R, 0), LocS - 2)
                    End If
                End If
            Next R
            End If
            'Work out hours allocation
            For R = LBound(Res, 1) To UBound(Res, 1)
                If Not Res(R, 1) = "Material" Then
                    If Res(R, 0) = 0 Or Res(R, 0) = "" Then
                        Res(R, 3) = (CTRArray(i, j, 3) / Tutil) * Res(R, 2)
                    End If
                End If
            Next R

            'Collect into main array
            For R = LBound(Res, 1) To UBound(Res, 1)
                flg = 0
                If Res(R, 0) = "0" Or Res(R, 0) = "" Then
                    For q = LBound(ResArray, 1) To UBound(ResArray, 1)
                        If Not ResArray(q, 0) = "" And ResArray(q, 0) = Res(R, 0) Then flg = 1: Exit For
                    Next q
                    If flg = 1 Then ResArray(q, 1) = ResArray(q, 1) + Res(R, 3)
                    If flg = 0 Then
                        For s = LBound(ResArray, 1) To UBound(ResArray, 1)
                            If ResArray(s, 0) = "" Then
                                ResArray(s, 0) = Res(R, 0)
                                ResArray(s, 2) = Res(R, 1)
                                ResArray(s, 1) = Res(R, 3)
                                If Res(R, 1) = "Material" Then P = P + 1 Else M = M + 1
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        Next s
                    End If
                End If
            Next R
        Next j

    For G = LBound(ResArray, 1) To UBound(ResArray, 1)
        If Not ResArray(G, 0) = "" Then
            For H = 1 To Prj.Resources.Count
                    'If Prj.Resources(H).Type = pjResourceTypeWork Then
                        If ResArray(G, 0) = Prj.Resources(H).Name Or ResArray(G, 0) & " (" & ResArray(G, 2) & ")" = Prj.Resources(H).Name Then
                            ResArray(G, 3) = Prj.Resources(H).Text1
                            ResArray(G, 4) = Mid(Prj.Resources(H).StandardRate, 2, Len(Prj.Resources(H).StandardRate) - 4)
                            ResArray(G, 5) = Prj.Resources(H).Group
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    'End If
            Next H
        End If
    Next G
'Write to sheet
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(5, 3).Value = CTRNo
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(6, 3).Value = Customer
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(7, 3).Value = Project
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(6, 9).Value = TechL
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(7, 9).Value = Curr
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(5, 9).Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy")

    'Create Scope of Work
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Rows("14:" & (14 + (k - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
    Z = 0
    For q = 14 To (14 + (k - 1))
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Font.Bold = False
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":G" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        If Not q = (14 + (k - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        If Not q = (14 + (k - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Not q = (14 + (k - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline

        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).Value = SoW(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        Z = Z + 1
    Next q
    'Create Deliverables
    DelRow = 17 + k
    If l > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Rows(DelRow & ":" & (DelRow + (l - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
    Z = 0
    For q = DelRow To (DelRow + (l - 1))
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":F" & q).Merge
        If Not q = (DelRow + (l - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        If Not q = (DelRow + (l - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Not q = (DelRow + (l - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Font.Bold = False
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":F" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 4).Value = Del(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).Value = Del(Z, 2)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).Value = Del(Z, 3)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).Value = Z + 1
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 7).Value = "PDF"

        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 3).Value = "OSS-" & CTRNo & "-" & CTRs(i) & "-" & Format((Z + 1), "000")
        If l > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Rows(MDRRow & ":" & (MDRRow + (l - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("C" & MDRRow & ":D" & MDRRow).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("E" & MDRRow & ":G" & MDRRow).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("B" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("B" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("B" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("B" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).Font.Bold = False
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("E" & MDRRow & ":G" & MDRRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("B" & MDRRow & ":D" & MDRRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("H" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 3).Font.Size = 9
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 5).Value = Del(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 8).Value = Del(Z, 2)
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 13).Value = Del(Z, 3)
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 2).Value = MD
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("H" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 10).NumberFormat = "0"
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(MDRRow, 3).Value = "OSS-" & CTRNo & "-" & CTRs(i) & "-" & Format((Z + 1), "000")
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("A" & MDRRow & ":M" & MDRRow).Orientation = 0
        CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Rows(MDRRow & ":" & (MDRRow + (l - 1) - 1)).AutoFit
        MD = MD + 1
        MDRRow = MDRRow + 1
        Z = Z + 1
    Next q

    'Create Inputs
    If l = 0 Then l = 1
    IPRow = 20 + k + l
    If n > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Rows(IPRow & ":" & (IPRow + (n - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
    Z = 0
    For q = IPRow To (IPRow + (n - 1))
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":F" & q).Merge
        If Not q = (IPRow + (n - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        If Not q = (IPRow + (n - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Not q = (IPRow + (n - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Font.Bold = False
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":F" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("H" & q & ":I" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 4).Value = InpArray(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).Value = InpArray(Z, 1)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).Value = Z + 1
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        If n > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Rows(INPRow & ":" & (INPRow + (n - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("C" & INPRow & ":D" & INPRow).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("E" & INPRow & ":H" & INPRow).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("B" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("B" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("B" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("B" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).Font.Bold = False
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("E" & INPRow & ":G" & INPRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("B" & INPRow & ":D" & INPRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("I" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(INPRow, 5).Value = InpArray(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(INPRow, 9).Value = InpArray(Z, 1)
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(INPRow, 3).Value = CTRs(i)
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(INPRow, 2).Value = IP
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("I" & INPRow & ":I" & INPRow).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy"
        CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Rows(INPRow & ":" & (INPRow + (n - 1) - 1)).AutoFit
        IP = IP + 1
        INPRow = INPRow + 1
        Z = Z + 1
    Next q
    'Create Resources
    If n = 0 Then n = 1
    Resrow = 23 + l + k + (n)
    If M > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Rows(Resrow & ":" & (Resrow + (M - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
    Z = 0
    X = 0
    For q = Resrow To (Resrow + (M - 1))
        If ResArray(Z, 2) = "Material" Then Z = Z + 1: GoTo skipbackres
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":F" & q).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("D" & q & ":D" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":C" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        If Not q = (Resrow + (M - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        If Not q = (Resrow + (M - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Not q = (Resrow + (M - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 4).Value = ResArray(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 7).Value = (ResArray(Z, 1) / 60)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 7).NumberFormat = "0"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 5).Value = ResArray(Z, 3)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).Value = ResArray(Z, 4) ' * XC
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 3).Value = ResArray(Z, 5)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).Value = X + 1
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).NumberFormat = NumberF
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]*RC[-1]"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Font.Bold = False
Z = Z + 1
X = X + 1
    Next q
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 7).Formula = "=Sum(G" & Resrow & ": G" & (Resrow + (M - 1)) & ")"
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 9).Formula = "=Sum(I" & Resrow & ": I" & (Resrow + (M - 1)) & ")"
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 5), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 5), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 7), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 9), 8).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 9), 8).Formula = "=I" & Resrow + M + 1 & "+I" & q + 7
    'Create Materials
    If M = 0 Then M = 1
    If P = 0 Then P = 1
    Matrow = 28 + l + k + n + M
    If P > 1 Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Rows(Matrow & ":" & (Matrow + (P - 1) - 1)).EntireRow.Insert
    Z = 0
    X = 0
    For q = Matrow To (Matrow + (P - 1))
        If Not Z = UBound(ResArray, 1) Then If Not ResArray(Z, 2) = "Material" Then Z = Z + 1: GoTo skipbackmat
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("C" & q & ":F" & q).Merge
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("C" & q & ":F" & q).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
        If Not q = (Matrow + (P - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
        If Not q = (Matrow + (P - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        If Not q = (Matrow + (P - 1)) Then CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 3).Value = ResArray(Z, 0)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 7).Value = ResArray(Z, 1)
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 7).NumberFormat = "0"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).Value = ResArray(Z, 4) ' * XC
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).Value = X + 1
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 2).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 8).NumberFormat = NumberF
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]*RC[-1]"
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells(q, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
        CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Range("B" & q & ":I" & q).Font.Bold = False
        Z = Z + 1
        X = X + 1
    Next q
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 7).Formula = "=Sum(G" & Matrow & ": G" & (Matrow + (P - 1)) & ")"
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 9).Formula = "=Sum(I" & Matrow & ": I" & (Matrow + (P - 1)) & ")"
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 1), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 5), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 5), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("CTR" & CTRs(i)).Cells((q + 7), 9).NumberFormat = NumberF


Next i
'Build Summary

CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(15, 8).NumberFormat = NumberF
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(15, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(17, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF

CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(5, 4).Value = CTRNo
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(6, 4).Value = Customer
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(21, 4).Value = Customer
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(7, 4).Value = Project
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(8, 4).Value = Region

CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(6, 9).Value = Application.UserName
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(5, 9).Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(7, 9).Value = Curr
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(8, 9).Value = SL

k = 0
l = 0
For i = LBound(CTRs) To UBound(CTRs)
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Rows((13 + k) & ":" & (13 + k)).EntireRow.Insert
    If Not i = UBound(CTRs) Then CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("B" & 13 + k & ":I" & 13 + k).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous
    If Not i = UBound(CTRs) Then CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("B" & 13 + k & ":I" & 13 + k).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    If Not i = UBound(CTRs) Then CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("B" & 13 + k & ":I" & 13 + k).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlHairline
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("B" & 13 + k & ":I" & 13 + k).Font.Bold = False

    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("C" & (13 + k) & ":E" & (13 + k)).Merge
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Range("F" & (13 + k) & ":G" & (13 + k)).Merge
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 2).Value = "'" & CTRs(i)
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 3).Value = "Enter Title"
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 6).Formula = "=INDEX(INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!A1:I10000""),MATCH(""MATERIALS / EQUIPMENT OR OTHER SERVICES"",INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!B1:B10000""),0)-2,7)"
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 8).Formula = "=INDEX(INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!A1:I10000""),MATCH(""MATERIALS / EQUIPMENT OR OTHER SERVICES"",INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!B1:B10000""),0)-2,9)"
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 9).Formula = "=INDEX(INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!A1:I10000""),MATCH(""Total CTR Value: "",INDIRECT(""'CTR""&B" & (13 + k) & "&""'!G1:G10000""),0)-2,9)"
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 6).NumberFormat = "0"
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 9).NumberFormat = NumberF
    CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(13 + k, 8).NumberFormat = NumberF
    k = k + 1
Next i
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Rows(13 + k).EntireRow.Delete

CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(14 + k, 6).Formula = "=Sum(F13:F" & (12 + k) & ")"
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(14 + k, 8).Formula = "=Sum(H13:H" & (12 + k) & ")"
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(14 + k, 9).Formula = "=Sum(I13:I" & (12 + k) & ")"
CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(16 + k, 9).Formula = "=H" & k + 14 & "+I" & k + 14
CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("A" & (CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 2) & ":N10000").Clear
CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Range("A" & (CTRp.Sheets("Inputs").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 2) & ":N10000").Clear

For R = 13 To (12 + k)
    Found = ""
    lookfor = SL & CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(R, 2).Value
    CTRFound = Application.VLookup(lookfor, ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Settings").Range("NameCodes"), 2, False)
    If IsError(CTRFound) = False Then CTRp.Sheets("Summary").Cells(R, 3).Value = CTRFound
Next R

End Sub
Upvote 0
The print area requires the Range address as a string.

CTRp.Sheets("MDR").PageSetup.PrintArea = CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Range("A1:N" & CTRp.Sheets("MDR").Cells(10000, 2).End(xlUp).Row)[B].Address
Last edited:
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