If the contents of a cell start with ', I'm trying to change them using VBA - the first step being to delete the single quotation; however, I'm having trouble getting VBA to recognize the single quotation in the below If statement:
If Left(cel.Value, 1) = "'" Then ..... - I tired cel.text as well and same issue. All of the cells that do start with a single quotation are followed by a 0 - and if I use this:
If Left(cel.Value, 1) = "0" Then...... it will recognize every cell that starts with either a ' or a 0.
I'm not sure how I can get VBA to pick up the ', any help would be appreciated.
If Left(cel.Value, 1) = "'" Then ..... - I tired cel.text as well and same issue. All of the cells that do start with a single quotation are followed by a 0 - and if I use this:
If Left(cel.Value, 1) = "0" Then...... it will recognize every cell that starts with either a ' or a 0.
I'm not sure how I can get VBA to pick up the ', any help would be appreciated.