I maintain a little spreadsheet tracking NFL expected points, usually a trailing 5 week average of those points surrendered by each defense broken down by position group. I have a relatively minor but extremely annoying issue I can't seem to get past. I manage to get by well enough on mdiocre pivot table ability to produce a decent table with the defenses in first column, followed by the position groups with the sum of points for each team over those 5 weeks. But with bye weeks usually around 1/3 of teams have played one fewer game so I'm adding a column for # of games manually and then dividing those sums by that column. My spreadsheet has a column for 'Week' and I just want another one showing how many unique values are in that column for each Defense. I don't care if it's when I'm making the pivot table or before. I sincerely appreciate your help. The first image is the spreadsheet before pivot. And then the second is my pivot.