I have developed a large web based form that collects data relative to a church’s ministry registration. I have imported the .csv file into an Excel spreadsheet successfully. There are over 90 columns for each record. Many of the columns pertain to a given ministry and is either blank, or has a value of “New”, “Continue” or “Remove”. I was ecstatic to discover that by using a Pivot Table I could collect and display the data by ministry. Using that approach I was able to generate lists for each ministry that I then copied into their own worksheet and labeled accordingly. I then printed them out to separate PDF files which I then routed to the ministry leaders via e-mail for follow-up (saving postage costs!)
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
To help with getting an overview of each individual’s sign-up, I used Word’s mail merge function. With insert text before merge field functionality, I was able to place a friendly label before the value. Only non-blank values were displayed. For example, after listing the volunteer’s identifying information, the ministries were listed… “Adult Choir – Continue”, and in some cases additional ministries might be included… “Knights of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Columbus</st1lace></st1:City> – New”, etc. I ended up with a 325 page PDF with one page for each volunteer’s information.
I was asked to generate a list that would be slimmer than the .csv sheet which displays the raw data. It should have multiple rows, one for each instance where a volunteer signs up for a ministry, listing the ministry and enrollment status. So the person above (call him Smith, Joe) would have two rows… Smith, Joe / Adult Choir / Continue, and Smith, Joe / Knights of Columbus / New… plus any other data (phone number). This could then be sorted on any of the fields.
The diocese has us use a Parish Data System (PDS), but it is too cumbersome to generate timely lists. So the quick online form allowed for rapid data entry and collection of the data so we could send out the lists quickly. Eventually, PDS will have the data entered and the listing sought might be generated by that (but I am not familiar enough with that to be sure.)
I am beginning to wonder if I might be able to do this in Access or other database application (Alpha 5?) to accomplish the parsing of lists down to one record for each ministry volunteer with some sort of active status listed. Before I wrestle with that, I thought I toss this problem out here for some discussion! Whatever suggestions MrExcel can provide would be fantastic!
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
To help with getting an overview of each individual’s sign-up, I used Word’s mail merge function. With insert text before merge field functionality, I was able to place a friendly label before the value. Only non-blank values were displayed. For example, after listing the volunteer’s identifying information, the ministries were listed… “Adult Choir – Continue”, and in some cases additional ministries might be included… “Knights of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1lace w:st="on">Columbus</st1lace></st1:City> – New”, etc. I ended up with a 325 page PDF with one page for each volunteer’s information.
I was asked to generate a list that would be slimmer than the .csv sheet which displays the raw data. It should have multiple rows, one for each instance where a volunteer signs up for a ministry, listing the ministry and enrollment status. So the person above (call him Smith, Joe) would have two rows… Smith, Joe / Adult Choir / Continue, and Smith, Joe / Knights of Columbus / New… plus any other data (phone number). This could then be sorted on any of the fields.
The diocese has us use a Parish Data System (PDS), but it is too cumbersome to generate timely lists. So the quick online form allowed for rapid data entry and collection of the data so we could send out the lists quickly. Eventually, PDS will have the data entered and the listing sought might be generated by that (but I am not familiar enough with that to be sure.)
I am beginning to wonder if I might be able to do this in Access or other database application (Alpha 5?) to accomplish the parsing of lists down to one record for each ministry volunteer with some sort of active status listed. Before I wrestle with that, I thought I toss this problem out here for some discussion! Whatever suggestions MrExcel can provide would be fantastic!