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<!--StartFragment--> <colgroup><col width="65" style="width:65pt"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="width: 65"]Hey guys, I'm new with excel esp in analysing data, sorry if this question is too basic for anyone that understand
So I've got this array of datas to work with, I need to find the top 5 values based on the the count of their names:
Initially I use the countif to get the count number for each name (Adam=5, John=3, Crux=2, Manuel=2, Bryan=2, Hart=1, Ziko=1) and then I use Large function to get the top values, but because there are duplicates in two different columns (the names and the "2"s), I can't properly do that.
I did use pivot table and sort, and got the result easily (Adam - John - Crux - Manuel - Bryan), but I do need the manual formulas as well to complete.
anyone can help me please? thank you
<!--StartFragment--> <colgroup><col width="65" style="width:65pt"> </colgroup><tbody>[TR]
[TD="width: 65"]Hey guys, I'm new with excel esp in analysing data, sorry if this question is too basic for anyone that understand
So I've got this array of datas to work with, I need to find the top 5 values based on the the count of their names:
Initially I use the countif to get the count number for each name (Adam=5, John=3, Crux=2, Manuel=2, Bryan=2, Hart=1, Ziko=1) and then I use Large function to get the top values, but because there are duplicates in two different columns (the names and the "2"s), I can't properly do that.
I did use pivot table and sort, and got the result easily (Adam - John - Crux - Manuel - Bryan), but I do need the manual formulas as well to complete.
anyone can help me please? thank you