I have a rather large spreadsheet that gives me the following information:
10112 Biloxi
MT Manager Trainee BOP Active 2
CSR Customer Service Rep BOP Active 2
MGR Manager BOP Active 1
10112 Biloxi BOP Active 5
This sheet has information for over 200 branches (10112). From this sheet, I feed two more sheets. I need a formula to easily feed the other sheets (Manager) (Supervisor) based on the branch number. Since there are over 200 branches, "IF" statements will not work. Also, each (Supervisor) has approx. 5 (Managers) and each manager has approx. 9 branches.
Any help would be appreciated!!!!
10112 Biloxi
MT Manager Trainee BOP Active 2
CSR Customer Service Rep BOP Active 2
MGR Manager BOP Active 1
10112 Biloxi BOP Active 5
This sheet has information for over 200 branches (10112). From this sheet, I feed two more sheets. I need a formula to easily feed the other sheets (Manager) (Supervisor) based on the branch number. Since there are over 200 branches, "IF" statements will not work. Also, each (Supervisor) has approx. 5 (Managers) and each manager has approx. 9 branches.
Any help would be appreciated!!!!