Well, let me give you some background.
I'm working with a file that has all 38,000 employees of a company in it to identify who is impacted by some implementation projects.
Columns AK:CT each represent a specific type of criteria to identify if the employee in that row might be impacted. The formula =ISERROR(MATCH("*Acquisition*",$B3:$AC3,0)) is in each column of AK:CT (and down through the 38,000 rows of employees) looks back through the respective row to tell me if that employee meets the criteria of that specific column and should be considered as an impacted employee. For example, in the formula i just provided, if the employee has the word "acquisition" anywhere in the information about them in B:AC (e.g., position title, parent organization unit, sub org unit, manager, manager's manager, etc. etc.), it returns a "FALSE" value and that employee is consider impacted by the project.
Then, I'm trying to build an entire other set of columns to drill down further into those people who have a "FALSE" value for some of the specific criteria. So, I was using the formula =IF(COUNTIFS(AM3,AO3,AT3,AU3,AY3,BG3,BK3,BO3,BP3,BQ3,BR3,BT3,BU3,BW3,BY3,CC3,CG3,CH3,CM3,FALSE),"YES","-") to tell me if the employee has a "FALSE" value in any of the specific columns.
Honestly, creating what I am doing in excel is starting to become very problematic because I have many many more criteria to add and many many more slices and dices of the data that I will need to do. I keep hearing that I really should move this all to database. The only problem is that I don't know how to format the data to get it into a database, and don't know how to build the queries in the database after that. And, don't really know where to look for support on accomplishing that either
