I currently have this data:
I have both these conditional formatting to show red::
=AND(COUNTIF($AY$3:$AY$200,AY3)>1,NOT($AY3=""),COUNTIF($AQ3,"Planning Time Approved*")=0,$AX3="No")
=AND(ROW()>1,ABS($V3-$V2)*1440<29,$AX3="No",COUNTIF($AQ3,"Planning Time Approved*")=0)
for both V and AY columns.
Why does this not show up as RED?
It shows RED for another row but it is not correct as the dates are not the same:
Any help/reworking would be greatly appreicated.
I currently have this data:
I have both these conditional formatting to show red::
=AND(COUNTIF($AY$3:$AY$200,AY3)>1,NOT($AY3=""),COUNTIF($AQ3,"Planning Time Approved*")=0,$AX3="No")
=AND(ROW()>1,ABS($V3-$V2)*1440<29,$AX3="No",COUNTIF($AQ3,"Planning Time Approved*")=0)
for both V and AY columns.
Why does this not show up as RED?
It shows RED for another row but it is not correct as the dates are not the same:
Any help/reworking would be greatly appreicated.