I created a macro to insert data from an excel spreadsheet into another Excel file, but when I run the program the error "the specified dimension is not valid for the current chart type", can someone help me?
Variables (Module2)
MyRecentFile Sub
Program (Module1)
Variables (Module2)
Option Explicit
Public myRecentFile As String
Public counter As Integer, counter2 As Integer, ws As Integer, ws2 As Integer, res_1, res_2
Public sh As Worksheet, ch As Worksheet
Public k As Long
MyRecentFile Sub
VBA Code:
Public Sub recentFilesSpecificFolder()
res_1 = 0
res_2 = 0
counter = 1
counter2 = 4
ws2 = Workbooks("EEC QEC.xlsm").Sheets.Count
k = Workbooks("EEC QEC.xlsm").Worksheets("QEC 1.2 - montagem").Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
Dim myFile As String, fileExtension As String, recentDate As Date
myDirectory = Environ("userprofile") & "\Documents\Projeto_Luis\Andre\EEC\QE"
fileExtension = "*.xls"
If Right(myDirectory, 1) <> "\" Then myDirectory = myDirectory & "\"
myFile = Dir(myDirectory & fileExtension)
If myFile <> "" Then
myRecentFile = myFile
recentDate = FileDateTime(myDirectory & myFile)
Do While myFile <> ""
If FileDateTime(myDirectory & myFile) > recentDate Then
myRecentFile = myFile
recentDate = FileDateTime(myDirectory & myFile)
End If
myFile = Dir
End If
MsgBox "Path: " & myDirectory & vbCrLf & "File: " & myMostRecentFile
ws = Workbooks(myRecentFile).Sheets.Count
Call WriteCells
End Sub
Public Sub WriteCells()
If counter = 16 & counter2 = 20 Then
counter = 1
Call Fill_2021
Call FillSheets
End If
End Sub
Program (Module1)
VBA Code:
Set ch = Workbooks(myRecentFile).Worksheets(counter)
Set sh = Workbooks("EEC QEC.xlsm").Worksheets(counter2)
If ch.Name = "QEC 12 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 22 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 24 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 41 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 42 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 43 IF" Or ch.Name = "QEC 44 IF" Then
If sh.Name = "QEC 1.2 - montagem" Or sh.Name = "QEC 2.2 -SALA LIMPA" Or sh.Name = "QEC 2.4 Logística" Or sh.Name = "QEC 4.1 - MONTAGEM MANUAL(past)" Or sh.Name = "QEC 4.2 - Desmoldagem" Or sh.Name = "QEC 4,3 - RTM" Or sh.Name = "QEC 4,4 - HOT DRAPE" Then
If Range("H" & k).Value = "" Then
ch.Range("W110").Copy _
sh.Range("H" & k)
ch.Range("AI110").Copy _
sh.Range("I" & k)
Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""
res_1 = res_1 + 1
ch.Range("W110").Copy _
sh.Range("H" & (k + res_1))
ch.Range("AI110").Copy _
sh.Range("I" & (k + res_1))
res_1 = Empty
End If
End If