TEXTSPLIT into Rows but Maintain Grouping


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Nov 26, 2024
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This is harder to explain than show. I have metadata being imported into an Excel spreadsheet that defines a single item (an image title) on a given row, but much of the metadata is in separate columns with each column cell containing data that is separated by delimiters (;). These are all evenly spaced out. If I have 5 sizes, I will also have 5 weights and 5 prices. However, I will still only have one item (the image title).

I want to split this data into separate rows but keep the separated metadata rows grouped around the single-item image title.

I have managed to use TEXTSPLIT and TEXTJOIN to break up the metadata into separate rows; however, I cannot figure out how to keep the single-item cell with the first line/row of the metadata. I'll drop the samples in, but I am faking the desired results in the second sample and showing the outcome with highlighting. Hope it all makes sense. This might not be feasible--or it may just be obvious. Thanks in advance!

Array Formula.xlsx
1TitleSizeWeightCostSplit TitleSplit SizeSplit WeightSplit Cost
2123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)2.9 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.5 oz50.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
33 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper; 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper; 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper; 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)6.3 oz; 3.9 oz; 2.8 oz; 1.8 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.2 oz110.00; 65.00; 50.00; 35.00; 5.00; 22.003 little birds sing5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
4Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.5 oz22.00
514 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
610 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper3.9 oz65.00
78 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper2.8 oz50.00
86 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper1.8 oz35.00
95 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
10Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.2 oz22.00
Cell Formulas
F2:F3,G2:I10F2=TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN("; ",,B2:B3),,"; ")
Dynamic array formulas.

Array Formula.xlsx
1TitleSizeWeightCostSplit TitleSplit SizeSplit WeightSplit Cost
2123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)2.9 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.5 oz50.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
33 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper; 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper; 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper; 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)6.3 oz; 3.9 oz; 2.8 oz; 1.8 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.2 oz110.00; 65.00; 50.00; 35.00; 5.00; 22.005 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
4Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.5 oz22.00
53 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
610 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper3.9 oz65.00
78 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper2.8 oz50.00
86 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper1.8 oz35.00
95 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
10Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.2 oz22.00
Cell Formulas
R2:T10R2=TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN("; ",,N2:N3),,"; ")
Dynamic array formulas.
PS: I am perfectly fine with the single-item being repeated in the results:

Split Title​
Split Cost​
123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
123 go5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
123 goSet of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.5 oz22.00
3 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
3 little birds sing10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper3.9 oz65.00
3 little birds sing8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper2.8 oz50.00
3 little birds sing6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper1.8 oz35.00
3 little birds sing5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
3 little birds singSet of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.2 oz22.00
[th width="60.6498%"]
Split Size​
[th width="11.7773%"]
Split Weight​
Upvote 0
This should give you all 4 columns:
1TitleSizeWeightCostSplit TitleSplit SizeSplit WeightSplit Cost
2123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)2.9 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.5 oz50.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
33 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper; 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper; 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper; 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)6.3 oz; 3.9 oz; 2.8 oz; 1.8 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.2 oz110.00; 65.00; 50.00; 35.00; 5.00; 22.00 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper 0.3 oz5.00
4 Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper) 1.5 oz22.00
53 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
6 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper 3.9 oz65.00
7 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper 2.8 oz50.00
8 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper 1.8 oz35.00
9 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper 0.3 oz5.00
10 Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper) 1.2 oz22.00
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
This gives the split title column only.
1TitleSizeWeightCostSplit TitleSplit SizeSplit WeightSplit Cost
2123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)2.9 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.5 oz50.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
33 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper; 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper; 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper; 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)6.3 oz; 3.9 oz; 2.8 oz; 1.8 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.2 oz110.00; 65.00; 50.00; 35.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
4123 goSet of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.5 oz22.00
53 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
63 little birds sing10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper3.9 oz65.00
73 little birds sing8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper2.8 oz50.00
83 little birds sing6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper1.8 oz35.00
93 little birds sing5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper0.3 oz5.00
103 little birds singSet of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)1.2 oz22.00
Cell Formulas
R2:T10R2=TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN("; ",,N2:N3),,"; ")
Dynamic array formulas.
Upvote 0
This should give you all 4 columns:
1TitleSizeWeightCostSplit TitleSplit SizeSplit WeightSplit Cost
2123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)2.9 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.5 oz50.00; 5.00; 22.00123 go4 x 16 Lim. Ed. Print on 6.5 x 19 watercolor paper2.9 oz50.00
33 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper; 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper; 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper; 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper; 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper; Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper)6.3 oz; 3.9 oz; 2.8 oz; 1.8 oz; 0.3 oz; 1.2 oz110.00; 65.00; 50.00; 35.00; 5.00; 22.00 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper 0.3 oz5.00
4 Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper) 1.5 oz22.00
53 little birds sing14 x 14 Lim. Ed. Print on 17 x 17 watercolor paper6.3 oz110.00
6 10 x 10 Lim. Ed. Print on 13 x 13 watercolor paper 3.9 oz65.00
7 8 x 8 Lim. Ed. Print on 11 x 11 watercolor paper 2.8 oz50.00
8 6 x 6 Lim. Ed. Print on 8 x 8 watercolor paper 1.8 oz35.00
9 5 x 6 7/8 Greeting Card on watercolor paper 0.3 oz5.00
10 Set of 5 Greeting Cards (5 x 6 7/8 watercolor paper) 1.2 oz22.00
Cell Formulas
Dynamic array formulas.
Thank you for the speedy reply and solution!! Could a formula like this be done by pulling data from a tab-delimited text file or Excel file? I am trying to streamline and automate a process where I 1) generate metadata from an Adobe app (Bridge), 2) export that metadata as a TXT file with relevant data, 3) merge and sort data into an Excel spreadsheet using formulas (such as the one above), and the 4) export the formulas' data into a values only spreadsheet.
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I believe it's possible to achieve this more efficiently and in an automated manner using Power Query (PQ). While I'm not an expert in PQ, I recommend posting your question in the Power Query sub-forum for more targeted advice. I'd also link this thread.
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