When you select either of those cells, do you see anything in the Formula Bar?in a worksheet suddenly two cells appear not to have any text although i know it is there what can i do to make the text visible thanks
Okay, the next thing to check is Cell Formatting... see if the Custom Format on the Number tab shows any kind of formatting for the cell which might suppress the display. Next check the Font tab to see if the font color has been changed to the same color as the fill color. If those look alright, check to see if there are any Conditional Formatting rules for those cells. If so, check the same tabs for it as you did for Cell Formatting. Finally, if all those look fine, check to see if there is any VB code in effect for those cells which might be affecting their display. You will want to check event code... for the sheet, right click the sheet's tab and select "View Code" from the pop up menu that appears (you should see immediately if there is any active event code. One other place to check... press ALT+F11 and double click the "ThisWorkbook" item in the "Project-VBAProject" window (you will have to examine any code there to see if it mentions the cells you are having trouble with).yes i see the actual text there