Legacy 512973
i need a vba macro that do text analysis under some constraints
let's take a workbook with 2 tabs: text analysis tab and Linguistic analysis tab
on the "text analysis" tab, you will enter a text on A1 cell
on the "Linguistic analysis" tab you will get statistical figures like number of letters, vowels, most used words in the text etc...
i made an example file of final result i will like to get :
there is constraints to follow that you can find and read in the 3rd tab of the workbook linked above and some purple text on "Linguistic analysis" tab
code with line comments will help much
Thank you for your help and Merry Christmas !
i need a vba macro that do text analysis under some constraints
let's take a workbook with 2 tabs: text analysis tab and Linguistic analysis tab
on the "text analysis" tab, you will enter a text on A1 cell
on the "Linguistic analysis" tab you will get statistical figures like number of letters, vowels, most used words in the text etc...
i made an example file of final result i will like to get :
Text to analyse La mia fanciullezza fu libera e gagliarda. Risuscitarla nel ricordo, farla riscintillare dinanzi alla mia coscienza, è un vano sforzo. Rivedo la bambina ch’io ero a sei, a dieci anni, ma come se l’avessi sognata. Un sogno bello, che il menomo richiamo della realtà presente può fa...
there is constraints to follow that you can find and read in the 3rd tab of the workbook linked above and some purple text on "Linguistic analysis" tab
code with line comments will help much
Thank you for your help and Merry Christmas !