rakesh seebaruth
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- Oct 6, 2011
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hi Guys
A table is being inserted from Excel to Word.It populates the table by rows and columns. Vba opens my file in word .draw and fill the table in my word document. The main issue i am having is that despite i have inserted a bookmark in my word document the table is not inserted at the bookmark's place. My codes are as follows :-
Sub CreateTableInWord()
Dim objWord As Object, objDoc As Object, objTbl As Object, objRow As Object
Dim objCol As Object, colSets As Long, numMonths As Long, i As Long, n As Long, c As Long
Dim amt, dtStart, tblRows As Long, tblCols As Long, rw As Long, col As Long
numMonths = Range("A1").Value
amt = Range("B1").Value
dtStart = Range("C1").Value
colSets = Range("D1").Value 'how many sets of columns ?
tblRows = 1 + Application.Ceiling(numMonths / colSets, 1) 'how many table rows?
tblCols = colSets * 3 'how many table cols?
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
'Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("C:\Users\rakesh\Desktop\mailmerge\lease2.docx")
Dim oRange As Object
Set oRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("RS").Range
Set objTbl = objDoc.Tables.Add(Range:=objDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range, _
NumRows:=tblRows, NumColumns:=tblCols)
c = 0
For n = 1 To colSets
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 1).Range.Text = "Instal No"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 1).Range.Bold = True
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 2).Range.Text = "Amt(Rs)"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 2).Range.Bold = True
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 3).Range.Text = "Due Date"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 3).Range.Bold = True
c = c + 3
Next n
objTbl.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 ' wdAlignParagraphCenter
rw = 2
col = 0
For i = 1 To numMonths
'rw = 1 + Application.Ceiling(i / colSets, 1) 'fill across and then down
rw = IIf(i Mod (tblRows - 1) = 1, 2, rw + 1) 'fill down then across
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 1).Range.Text = i
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 2).Range.Text = amt
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 3).Range.Text = Format(DateAdd("m", i - 1, dtStart), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'col = IIf(i Mod colSets = 0, 0, col + 3) 'fill across and then down
col = IIf(i Mod (tblRows - 1) = 0, col + 3, col) 'fill down and then across
Next i
End Sub
Your help will be highly appreciated
A table is being inserted from Excel to Word.It populates the table by rows and columns. Vba opens my file in word .draw and fill the table in my word document. The main issue i am having is that despite i have inserted a bookmark in my word document the table is not inserted at the bookmark's place. My codes are as follows :-
VBA Code:
Dim objWord As Object, objDoc As Object, objTbl As Object, objRow As Object
Dim objCol As Object, colSets As Long, numMonths As Long, i As Long, n As Long, c As Long
Dim amt, dtStart, tblRows As Long, tblCols As Long, rw As Long, col As Long
numMonths = Range("A1").Value
amt = Range("B1").Value
dtStart = Range("C1").Value
colSets = Range("D1").Value 'how many sets of columns ?
tblRows = 1 + Application.Ceiling(numMonths / colSets, 1) 'how many table rows?
tblCols = colSets * 3 'how many table cols?
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
'Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add
Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open("C:\Users\rakesh\Desktop\mailmerge\lease2.docx")
Dim oRange As Object
Set oRange = objDoc.Bookmarks("RS").Range
Set objTbl = objDoc.Tables.Add(Range:=objDoc.Paragraphs(1).Range, _
NumRows:=tblRows, NumColumns:=tblCols)
c = 0
For n = 1 To colSets
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 1).Range.Text = "Instal No"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 1).Range.Bold = True
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 2).Range.Text = "Amt(Rs)"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 2).Range.Bold = True
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 3).Range.Text = "Due Date"
objTbl.Cell(1, c + 3).Range.Bold = True
c = c + 3
Next n
objTbl.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 ' wdAlignParagraphCenter
rw = 2
col = 0
For i = 1 To numMonths
'rw = 1 + Application.Ceiling(i / colSets, 1) 'fill across and then down
rw = IIf(i Mod (tblRows - 1) = 1, 2, rw + 1) 'fill down then across
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 1).Range.Text = i
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 2).Range.Text = amt
objTbl.Cell(rw, col + 3).Range.Text = Format(DateAdd("m", i - 1, dtStart), "dd/mm/yyyy")
'col = IIf(i Mod colSets = 0, 0, col + 3) 'fill across and then down
col = IIf(i Mod (tblRows - 1) = 0, col + 3, col) 'fill down and then across
Next i
End Sub
Your help will be highly appreciated