Option Explicit
Sub CopyColumn()
Const SheetName = "CopyColumn" 'The name of the worksheet / worksheet tab with your data in it
Const DataStartRow = 2 'The ROW were the DATA starts. (The 1st line of DATA will be just below the COLUMN HEADINGS)
'thus if your column headings are in row 1, your data starts in row [2]
Const DataStartCol = 1 'The COLUMN where the DATA starts. (If your data begins in A1, it'll be column [1]
'if you data begins in D1, it'll be column[4] (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4.. and so on)
Const NoOfCols = 7 'The number of columns of data to work with
Const DataMaxRow = 1048576 'Excel MAX row - do not alter
Const DataPutCol = 10 'Column you want the appended column data to go in
Const DataPutRow = 2 'Row you want the appended column data to start at
Dim Cntr As Integer
Dim RowEnd() As Integer
Dim AppendRow As Integer
'Do CONST error trapping
If DataStartRow < 1 Then
MsgBox "The Start Row of your data [DataStartRow CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
If DataStartCol < 1 Then
MsgBox "The Start Column of your data [DataStartCol CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
If NoOfCols < 2 Then
MsgBox "The Number of Columns of data [NoOfCols CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
If DataPutCol <= (NoOfCols + DataStartCol - 1) Then
MsgBox "The Output Column needs to be further to the right of the data columns [DataPutCol CONST] must be greater than [DataStartCol CONST]", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
If DataPutRow < 1 Then
MsgBox "The Output Row [DataPutRow CONST] must be 1 or higher", vbCritical & vbOKOnly, "Const ERROR"
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ReDim RowEnd(1 To NoOfCols)
'Get the End Row of each column of data
For Cntr = 1 To NoOfCols
RowEnd(Cntr) = Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address, Cells(DataMaxRow, DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address).Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Next Cntr
'Copy the data .. appending to just one column
For Cntr = 1 To NoOfCols
If Cntr = 1 Then
Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address, Cells(RowEnd(Cntr), DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address).Copy Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataPutRow, DataPutCol).Address)
AppendRow = DataPutRow + RowEnd(Cntr) - 1
Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(DataStartRow, DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address, Cells(RowEnd(Cntr), DataStartCol + Cntr - 1).Address).Copy Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(AppendRow, DataPutCol).Address)
AppendRow = AppendRow + RowEnd(Cntr) - 1
End If
Next Cntr
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub