Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim za As String
Dim zb As String
Dim zc As String
Dim zz As String
Dim xx As Variant
Dim ww As Variant
Dim zj As Integer
Dim zh As Long
Dim zi As Integer
Dim yy As Integer
Dim col As New Collection
Dim col2 As New Collection
col.Add "b"
col.Add "c"
col.Add "D"
col.Add "E"
col.Add "F"
col.Add "G"
col.Add "h"
col.Add "i"
col.Add "j"
col.Add "k"
col.Add "l"
col.Add "m"
col.Add "n"
col.Add "o"
col.Add "P"
col.Add "Q"
col.Add "R"
col.Add "S"
col.Add "T"
col.Add "U"
col.Add "V"
col.Add "W"
col.Add "x"
col.Add "y"
col.Add "z"
col.Add "AA"
col.Add "AB"
col.Add "AC"
col.Add "AD"
col.Add "AE"
col.Add "AF"
col.Add "AG"
col.Add "AH"
col.Add "AI"
col.Add "AJ"
col.Add "AK"
col.Add "AL"
col.Add "AM"
col.Add "AN"
col.Add "AO"
col.Add "AP"
col.Add "AQ"
col.Add "AR"
col.Add 45
col.Add "AT"
col.Add "AU"
col.Add "AV"
col.Add "AW"
col.Add "AX"
col.Add "AY"
col.Add "AZ"
col.Add "BA"
col.Add "BB"
col.Add "BC"
col.Add "BD"
col.Add "BE"
col2.Add "BF"
For Each ws In Workbooks("COMM_PA.xls").Worksheets
zz = ActiveSheet.Name
yy = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each xx In col
za = xx
For Each ww In col2
zb = ww
With Workbooks("COMM_PA.xls").Worksheets(zz)
zh = Application.WorksheetFunction.Slope(Range(Cells(yy, zb), Cells(2, zb)), Range(Cells(yy, za), Cells(2, za)))
zc = Workbooks("COMM_PA.xls").Worksheets(zz).Range(Cells(1, zb)).Value & " " & Workbooks("COMM_PA.xls").Worksheets(zz).Range(Cells(1, za)).Value
zi = Workbooks("COMM_PA.xls").Worksheets(zz).WorksheetFunction.RSq(Range(Cells(yy, zb), Cells(2, zb)), Range(Cells(yy, za), Cells(2, za))).Value
End With