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- Nov 4, 2010
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Hi Guys,
So i've been using this macro to gather data that is logged daily on multiple spreadsheets, and what it does is open each spreadsheet, and copy and paste all the data into one main spreadsheet. The problem here is that the individual spreadsheets have formatting in the cells, so when the macro goes and copy&paste the data, it also removes the formatting from all of the cells.
This is a problem, and I don't know why it's removing the formatting. I thought maybe it could be that it was cut & pasting, so the solution would be to change it to copy & paste and then clear contents, so the formatting would stay on the individual spreadsheets. So the macro flow would be like:
Open individual spreadsheet > select active rows > copy > paste into "master spreadsheet" > clear active selection on "individual spreadsheet" > save & close "individual spreadsheet" > rinse & repeat onto next spreadsheet
I don't know how to go about making this change, because the macro that was created for this is not my scripting, he is no longer employed with us.
So I have two questions, because from whats below it looks like it is indeed a copy & paste, but i cant understand if that's true why it's also removing the formatting from the cells that its copy pasting from.
If it is indeed cutting, then what adjustment needs to be made to change this from a cut/paste to a copy/paste&clear?
Anyone that can help me, as always, I greatly appreciate it. I've been given ownership of this process a while back by my boss, but when it comes to macro issues on this, it's messy because I didn't create it.
Pasted below is the macro script modules
Book Constants
Option Explicit
'Constant Names used in procedures
Public Const MainPath As String = "G:\ROC-CLAIMS\Clms Proc-Model Line\Adjustment Tracking Data (Statewide)"
Public Const TrackingFolder As String = "Adjuster Tracking Log"
Public Const TrackingFile As String = TrackingFolder & ".xls"
Public Const MasterFolder As String = "Adjustment Master Tracking Log"
Public Const MasterName As String = MasterFolder & ".xls"
Public Const consErrMsg As String = "An error has been received. If the problem persists," & _
" please report the below information to emailhere[EMAIL="emailhere@!"][/EMAIL]: "
Public Function OpenBook(File As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo OpenError
Workbooks.Open File, UpdateLinks:=0
OpenBook = True
Exit Function
OpenBook = False
End Function
Public Sub GetData()
Dim FilePath, FileName As String
Dim TrackLastRow As String, MLastRow As String
Dim Mnth As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim CopyRng As Range
Dim MLog As Workbook, Track As Workbook
Set MLog = ThisWorkbook
Set Rng = MLog.Sheets("Maint.").Range("StaffList")
Mnth = MLog.ActiveSheet.Name
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'for each staff name in the Range, copy the tracking log
For Each cell In Rng
'get path for tracking log
FilePath = MainPath & "\" & TrackingFolder & "\" & cell.Value
FileName = FilePath & "\" & TrackingFile
'try to open the log. If it fails, alert user and offer to skip it.
If OpenBook(FileName) = False Then
If MsgBox("Unable to open the Tracking Log for " & cell.Value & _
". Would you like to move to the next staff member?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
GoTo TryNext
End If
End If
'select the opened tracking book
For Each Book In Workbooks
If Left(Book.Name, 8) = "Adjuster" Then
Set Track = Book
GoTo FoundIt:
Set Track = Nothing
End If
Next Book
'make sure the tracking book was found and selected
If Track Is Nothing Then
MsgBox consErrMsg
Exit Sub
End If
'activate the tab for the indicated month
'find the last used row in the indicated month tab
TrackLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
'first row of user-entered data is row 3. Don't copy anything above row 3.
If TrackLastRow < 3 Then
TrackLastRow = 3
End If
'set used range for copying
Set CopyRng = ActiveSheet.Range("A3:O" & TrackLastRow)
MLastRow = MLog.Sheets(Mnth).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
If MLastRow < 3 Then
MLastRow = 3
End If
'copy data from individual tracking book into master log
MLog.Sheets(Mnth).Range("A" & MLastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
'remove copied data from individual tracking book
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Track.Sheets(Mnth).Range("A3:O" & TrackLastRow).Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Track.Close True
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
So i've been using this macro to gather data that is logged daily on multiple spreadsheets, and what it does is open each spreadsheet, and copy and paste all the data into one main spreadsheet. The problem here is that the individual spreadsheets have formatting in the cells, so when the macro goes and copy&paste the data, it also removes the formatting from all of the cells.
This is a problem, and I don't know why it's removing the formatting. I thought maybe it could be that it was cut & pasting, so the solution would be to change it to copy & paste and then clear contents, so the formatting would stay on the individual spreadsheets. So the macro flow would be like:
Open individual spreadsheet > select active rows > copy > paste into "master spreadsheet" > clear active selection on "individual spreadsheet" > save & close "individual spreadsheet" > rinse & repeat onto next spreadsheet
I don't know how to go about making this change, because the macro that was created for this is not my scripting, he is no longer employed with us.
So I have two questions, because from whats below it looks like it is indeed a copy & paste, but i cant understand if that's true why it's also removing the formatting from the cells that its copy pasting from.
If it is indeed cutting, then what adjustment needs to be made to change this from a cut/paste to a copy/paste&clear?
Anyone that can help me, as always, I greatly appreciate it. I've been given ownership of this process a while back by my boss, but when it comes to macro issues on this, it's messy because I didn't create it.
Pasted below is the macro script modules
Book Constants
Option Explicit
'Constant Names used in procedures
Public Const MainPath As String = "G:\ROC-CLAIMS\Clms Proc-Model Line\Adjustment Tracking Data (Statewide)"
Public Const TrackingFolder As String = "Adjuster Tracking Log"
Public Const TrackingFile As String = TrackingFolder & ".xls"
Public Const MasterFolder As String = "Adjustment Master Tracking Log"
Public Const MasterName As String = MasterFolder & ".xls"
Public Const consErrMsg As String = "An error has been received. If the problem persists," & _
" please report the below information to emailhere[EMAIL="emailhere@!"][/EMAIL]: "
Public Function OpenBook(File As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo OpenError
Workbooks.Open File, UpdateLinks:=0
OpenBook = True
Exit Function
OpenBook = False
End Function
Public Sub GetData()
Dim FilePath, FileName As String
Dim TrackLastRow As String, MLastRow As String
Dim Mnth As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim CopyRng As Range
Dim MLog As Workbook, Track As Workbook
Set MLog = ThisWorkbook
Set Rng = MLog.Sheets("Maint.").Range("StaffList")
Mnth = MLog.ActiveSheet.Name
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'for each staff name in the Range, copy the tracking log
For Each cell In Rng
'get path for tracking log
FilePath = MainPath & "\" & TrackingFolder & "\" & cell.Value
FileName = FilePath & "\" & TrackingFile
'try to open the log. If it fails, alert user and offer to skip it.
If OpenBook(FileName) = False Then
If MsgBox("Unable to open the Tracking Log for " & cell.Value & _
". Would you like to move to the next staff member?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
GoTo TryNext
End If
End If
'select the opened tracking book
For Each Book In Workbooks
If Left(Book.Name, 8) = "Adjuster" Then
Set Track = Book
GoTo FoundIt:
Set Track = Nothing
End If
Next Book
'make sure the tracking book was found and selected
If Track Is Nothing Then
MsgBox consErrMsg
Exit Sub
End If
'activate the tab for the indicated month
'find the last used row in the indicated month tab
TrackLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
'first row of user-entered data is row 3. Don't copy anything above row 3.
If TrackLastRow < 3 Then
TrackLastRow = 3
End If
'set used range for copying
Set CopyRng = ActiveSheet.Range("A3:O" & TrackLastRow)
MLastRow = MLog.Sheets(Mnth).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
If MLastRow < 3 Then
MLastRow = 3
End If
'copy data from individual tracking book into master log
MLog.Sheets(Mnth).Range("A" & MLastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:= _
xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
'remove copied data from individual tracking book
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Track.Sheets(Mnth).Range("A3:O" & TrackLastRow).Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Track.Close True
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub