S0 ive been looking online for various example on how to make a surface chart in vba by taking values in one worksheet and displaying it in another but havent really found anything to help. The code I used(which I will display below) displayed the chart but in the increments in the axis were wrong and it only displayed on the worksheet it took the values from. My question is what is the proper way to create a surface chart in VBA, fixing the X and Y axis to the proper increments( lets say it increases by two) and displaying it in another sheet.
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _ (Left:=100, Width:=375, Top:=75, Height:=225) .Chart.SetSourceData Source:=WorkSheets(2).Range("B2:BJ62") .Chart.ChartType = xlsurface
End WIth
Thank you for any help.
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add _ (Left:=100, Width:=375, Top:=75, Height:=225) .Chart.SetSourceData Source:=WorkSheets(2).Range("B2:BJ62") .Chart.ChartType = xlsurface
End WIth
Thank you for any help.