Hello All,
I have a Payroll workbook with 13 worksheets, January through December, and another sheet named "TD4" to display collected data in a form to print.
The 12 months all have the same layout and formulas.
I'm looking to count how many times $8.25 is entered in Column P for an employee's name in column C across the 12 sheets.
I started using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$C$9:$C$109"),$C$3) just to count the employee's name but I'm getting 4 as the product but I know there's 48 instances across all 12 sheets.
I also tried this but I know it's not right because I'm getting a #VALUE error =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$C$9:$C$109"),$C$3)+(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$P$9:$P$109")="8.25"))
I hope I explained this issue properly......
Getting frustrated with this.....
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
I have a Payroll workbook with 13 worksheets, January through December, and another sheet named "TD4" to display collected data in a form to print.
The 12 months all have the same layout and formulas.
I'm looking to count how many times $8.25 is entered in Column P for an employee's name in column C across the 12 sheets.
- The TD4 sheet has the employee's name in cell C3.
- All employee names appear in range C9:C109 in all 12 sheets. Each employee will appear four or five times in the column.
- The $8.25 would be in range P9:P109 in all 12 sheets.
- I have a named range (column) with the month names, January through December, called sheets.
I started using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$C$9:$C$109"),$C$3) just to count the employee's name but I'm getting 4 as the product but I know there's 48 instances across all 12 sheets.
I also tried this but I know it's not right because I'm getting a #VALUE error =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$C$9:$C$109"),$C$3)+(INDIRECT("'"&Sheets&"'!$P$9:$P$109")="8.25"))
I hope I explained this issue properly......

Getting frustrated with this.....

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.