Sumproduct - to count occasions in a date range


New Member
Aug 10, 2023
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Good morning,
I have results of surveys covering 3 years.
I have been able to use sumproduct to total occasions for a selected month for a selected year
When I try to then get the number of occasions where the response is entered as "Completed" I get a zero response
Formula: for month and year

Lookup!$N$10 holds the date range
XLOOKUP(K$2,$B$3:$B$14,$A$3:$A$14) is K$2 - month selected, $B$3:$B$14 is the month names range, $A$3:$A$14 is the month number to assist lookup ( June, 6,)
INDIRECT(Lookup!$N$10)) holds the date range, K$1 = selected year

The formula gives me 8 which is correct

If I try to add - IF(INDIRECT(Lookup!$V2)="Completed ",1,0) - to count the number of occasions for June, 2024, where the response in "Completed" I get zero

=SUMPRODUCT(IF(MONTH(INDIRECT(Lookup!$N$10))=XLOOKUP(K$2,$B$3:$B$14,$A$3:$A$14),1,0),IF(YEAR(INDIRECT(Lookup!$N$10))=K$1,1,0,IF(INDIRECT(Lookup!$V2)="Completed ",1,0)))

Would you have advice on what I have wrong is "--( " required (my attempt did not work.

Thanks very much for looking at this for me.

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I've tried on a number of occasions to download the add-in but get a message not able in protected mode which I've never solved sadly
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