Hi, I have been using the following formula in a spreadsheet for a year now and today for some reason it is contantly throwing up the #value error.
I have combed through the data it looks at several times today and so far can't find anything that would cause this error. The formula I'm using is
=SUMPRODUCT(--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$C:$C="L"),--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$Z:$Z<>""),--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$R:$R="Enterprise"))
Column C in the sheet its pulling from contains formulas to give either blanks, "L" or "N/R" results, column C is text based and column Z is dates
Thanks for your help.
I have combed through the data it looks at several times today and so far can't find anything that would cause this error. The formula I'm using is
=SUMPRODUCT(--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$C:$C="L"),--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$Z:$Z<>""),--('[newssheet.xlsm]Source Data'!$R:$R="Enterprise"))
Column C in the sheet its pulling from contains formulas to give either blanks, "L" or "N/R" results, column C is text based and column Z is dates
Thanks for your help.