Hi all. I am a beginner excel user and new to the forum. I have a very large list of sales reports that I am trying to total up many different ways. Pivot tables work for much of what i'm doing, but I would also just like to try a simple formula for others. Here's an example:
Find total of Red Bikes that Steve had Exchanged, Returned or Traded-In. I know how to use SUMPRODUCT for totalling only one result type from Steve's Red Bike sales, but how do I total two or more conditions. do I just make SUMPRODUCTs for all result types then SUM them together? That seems unessescarily long. Ultimately, I will turn it into a percentage of that total vs all of his sales opportunities and then make nice charts to compare to the other sales reps in the company.
Here's my formula to find just one result type:
=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A21="Steve")*(B2:B21="Red Bike")*(C2:C21="Sold"))
[TABLE="width: 231"]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Blue Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Blue Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
Find total of Red Bikes that Steve had Exchanged, Returned or Traded-In. I know how to use SUMPRODUCT for totalling only one result type from Steve's Red Bike sales, but how do I total two or more conditions. do I just make SUMPRODUCTs for all result types then SUM them together? That seems unessescarily long. Ultimately, I will turn it into a percentage of that total vs all of his sales opportunities and then make nice charts to compare to the other sales reps in the company.
Here's my formula to find just one result type:
=SUMPRODUCT((A2:A21="Steve")*(B2:B21="Red Bike")*(C2:C21="Sold"))
[TABLE="width: 231"]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Blue Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Red Bike</SPAN>[/TD]
[TD]Blue Bike</SPAN>[/TD]