You'll certainly have issues (no, not issues, problems, issues are really things such as Egypt, Mali, Syria, Israel/Palestine etc.) with that formula as it hasn't a hope of returning much since the conditions seem to be mutually exclusive; what values can be both (less than or equal to 2) AND (greater than 5.01)?
Are you loking for values above 2 and less than 5?,
=SUMPRODUCT(($B$4:$B$67 < =2)+($B$4:$B$67 > 5.01),--($D$4:$D$67))
perhaps values either greater than 5.01 or less than 2??
=SUMPRODUCT(--($B$4:$B$67 > 2),--($B$4:$B$67 < =5.01),--($D$4:$D$67))