Hi Mike,
As a matter of fact - for me only bold font is really clear.
I could expect that as you have 4 quarters the discipline could be american football (I know, I shall say just football, the european footbal is a mere socccer

- anyway there shall be more players for football), basketball or ... water-polo.
So saying identify 3 is to test all possible triples
like based on 1st Q:
Anthony August Clayton
Anthony August Cruz
Anthony August Diego
Anthony August Masso
Anthony Clayton Cruz
Anthony Clayton Diego
Anthony Clayton MAsso
Anthony Cruz Diego
and so on?
And then for every triplet assign goals from that quarter? then move to next quarter and repeat that operation?
But I suspect the thing you are trying to find is a typical for that discipline and it's just me not knowing that, as I am interested in other sports. Like ski-jumping and so on.