As you can see in cells G2 & I2, I'm trying to do a continuous total from Column A if there is a "1" in Column C, or a continuous total from Column B if there is a "1" in Column D. I want the result to show in either G4 or I4.
I tried this formula in G4, but it didn't work:
Also, in K4, I want to get the result to show in bold if it's a profit (G4 - I4 is a positive number) or in red if it's a loss (G4 - I4 is a negative number).
Thanks for your help.
Marc FORMULAS NEEDED.xlsx?dl=0
I tried this formula in G4, but it didn't work:
Also, in K4, I want to get the result to show in bold if it's a profit (G4 - I4 is a positive number) or in red if it's a loss (G4 - I4 is a negative number).
Thanks for your help.
Marc FORMULAS NEEDED.xlsx?dl=0