Hi people,
I a new here and i have a worksheet with several buyers in sheets. I need to hv one sheet in which i have for evry byer how much certai goods did he take. Crteria is month, type of goods. I am stuck on SUM IF formula which is giving zero or VALUE error
Here is my formula
SUM(IF(AND(MONTH('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$B$10:$B$500)=4;('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$D$10:$D$500)="BIT 60");('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$F$10:$F$500);0))
I a new here and i have a worksheet with several buyers in sheets. I need to hv one sheet in which i have for evry byer how much certai goods did he take. Crteria is month, type of goods. I am stuck on SUM IF formula which is giving zero or VALUE error
Here is my formula
SUM(IF(AND(MONTH('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$B$10:$B$500)=4;('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$D$10:$D$500)="BIT 60");('NAFTA AD-PUT NS-1'!$F$10:$F$500);0))