I'm getting an error that says you've entered too many arguments for this function. Please help!!??
Here's what I used: =SUM(IF(ISBLANK(D6,D8,D10,D16,D18,D20,D22)))
Yeah, I just want to count the blank or empty cells.
Control+shift+enter, not just enter:
Does this help?
By the way, if it does, you'll need to adjust the first argument of CHOOSE, which is set to 7 for you have 7 non-contiguous cells.
It's closer. At least the formula works. Unfortunately, the answer it give me is "1" when all 7 cells are empty. I was hoping for an answer of 7 because they are all empty and 6 if there is a "D" in one of the cells. I hope this makes sense and apologize for the confusion.