I amhoping to get some suggestions for what I am trying to accomplish. I amcreating a worksheet for all users in my department. I am looking to create ato-do list section in my worksheet that will include a list of tasks that willbe copied from a website. The user will copy data from this website and I amthinking instead of simply pasting, the user would click a macro that will pastethe data on to a hidden sheet that will then be organized in a particularlayout and pasted on sheet2 where users will do all their work from.
My idea is to copy the to-do list from this website we are required toget our tasks from, then paste it to another sheet where a macro will run. Myhope is the macro will put a checkbox (or something similar, some way they canmark off this item was complete) next to each task and then a comment sectionunder each task. Then finally once these tasks are organized in this fashionhave this newly organized list copied and pasted to a text box on sheet2. Now Idont believe textboxes in excel can be manipulated in this way, such asshowing checkboxes, however I only have limited space to show the items on thisto-do list (which sometimes can be pretty lengthy) and I like the feature ofthe textbox scrolling to see all the tasks that need to be complete.
Any ideas on how totake a list of tasks that will be pasted and manipulate them to create a sortof checklist users can mark off and make comments about? I appreciate anysuggestions.
My idea is to copy the to-do list from this website we are required toget our tasks from, then paste it to another sheet where a macro will run. Myhope is the macro will put a checkbox (or something similar, some way they canmark off this item was complete) next to each task and then a comment sectionunder each task. Then finally once these tasks are organized in this fashionhave this newly organized list copied and pasted to a text box on sheet2. Now Idont believe textboxes in excel can be manipulated in this way, such asshowing checkboxes, however I only have limited space to show the items on thisto-do list (which sometimes can be pretty lengthy) and I like the feature ofthe textbox scrolling to see all the tasks that need to be complete.
Any ideas on how totake a list of tasks that will be pasted and manipulate them to create a sortof checklist users can mark off and make comments about? I appreciate anysuggestions.