I would like to subtract a number according to Drop Down list options. My Drop Down list is in colums B4 to B20 and each column has the same tree options: A-B-C , and there are columns D4 to D20 and F4 to F20 each column with numbers in reference to those options. Columns G4 TO G20 are the subtraction results. IF option A is chosen i want to subtract F(column number) - D(Column number) = G(Column number) , If option B is chosen i want to subtract to subtract D(Column number) - F(Column number) = G(Column number), option C would be the same as B, subtract D(Column number) - F(Column number) = G(Column number). Just an example: in column B4 i choose option B from the Drop down list, than: D4 - F4 = G4.
Thank you
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