Trying to create a measure that an end user could grab and not have to worry about filtering to get the numbers narrowed down appropriately.
- Sum of gl transactions measure below. Works, but end users would have to know how to manipulate the filters on Acct Fin Class Code, Acct Prop Class Code etc (filters in calculate measure below)
- Measure created to try to create one field for user to drop into pivot table. Grand total is shown for each Row Subtotal.
-CALCULATE(SUM(x_GLDetail[DtlVal]),'Chart of Accounts'[AcctFinClassCode] ="Income" || 'Chart of Accounts'[AcctFinClassCode] = "Expense",'Chart of Accounts'[AcctPropClassCode]<>"",x_GLDetail[DtlPropHID]<>0)
- Measure created to try to create one field for user to drop into pivot table. Grand total is shown for each Row Subtotal.