I have a substitution question.
I want to substitute a vlookup into my formula.
Here is the formula:
=IF($D4="Code not found",0,
IF(('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)="None",0,ROUND(IF($A$2="NO",IF($E4="pkg",
ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.7,3),
ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.909,3)),
IF($E4="pkg",(ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.7,3))/(1-$D$2),
(ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.909,3))/(1-$B$2))),3)))
I want to drop a vlookup into this formula everywhere this part of the formula exists.
('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)
The problem is, when I construct the lookup table, I can't get the range in the cell to show correctly.
I type in the same as is above, but when I hit enter, it gives me the following:
'('2012 price changes'!$n$3:$n$2863)
How do I fix this?
I want the vlookup to read, vlookup(f2,$m$5:$n$20,2,false) with it returning the range ('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)
Also, do I need to use the indirect function somehow for the return of the range I want?
Any help is appreciated here. Thank you
I want to substitute a vlookup into my formula.
Here is the formula:
=IF($D4="Code not found",0,
IF(('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)="None",0,ROUND(IF($A$2="NO",IF($E4="pkg",
ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.7,3),
ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.909,3)),
IF($E4="pkg",(ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.7,3))/(1-$D$2),
(ROUND((IFERROR(LOOKUP(1E+100,SEARCH(" "&$A4&","," "&list01&","),(""&('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863))),"No Code"))*0.909,3))/(1-$B$2))),3)))
I want to drop a vlookup into this formula everywhere this part of the formula exists.
('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)
The problem is, when I construct the lookup table, I can't get the range in the cell to show correctly.
I type in the same as is above, but when I hit enter, it gives me the following:
'('2012 price changes'!$n$3:$n$2863)
How do I fix this?
I want the vlookup to read, vlookup(f2,$m$5:$n$20,2,false) with it returning the range ('2012 price changes'!$N$3:$N$2863)
Also, do I need to use the indirect function somehow for the return of the range I want?
Any help is appreciated here. Thank you