VBA Code:
Sub customercheck()
Dim i, j, k, lastrow, lastrow2 As Integer
Dim arr(), outputarr()
Dim customername, kam, segment, unit As String
Dim endurid As Variant
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim target As Workbook
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
If wb.Name <> "Offline Deal prototype.xlsm" Then
With wb.Sheets("customer")
lastrow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim arr(0 To lastrow - 1, 0 To 4)
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
For j = LBound(a, 2) To UBound(a, 2)
arr(i, j) = .Cells(i + IIf(LBound(a) = 0, 1, 0), j + IIf(LBound(a, 2) = 0, 1, 0)).Value
Next j
Next i
End With
End If
Next wb
inputData = inputbox("Enter EndurID")
For i = 1 To lastrow
For j = 1 To 1
If arr(i, 1) <> inputData Then
custname = arr(i, 2)
segment = arr(i, 3)
kam = arr(i, 4)
unit = arr(i, 5)
Else: inputbox ("EndurID not found please add")
End If
Next j
Next i
Workbooks("Offline Deal prototype.xlsm").Sheets("output").Activate
ReDim outputarr(0 To lastrow - 1, 0 To 37)
For p = 1 To lastrow
If IsEmpty(outputarr(i, 0)) Then
outputarr(p - 1, 2) = endurid
outputarr(p - 1, 7) = customername
outputarr(p - 1, 4) = segment
outputarr(p - 1, 11) = kam
outputarr(p - 1, 4) = unit
Exit For
End If
Next p
lastrow2 = Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Columns(2).NumberFormat = "@"
Range(Cells(lastrow2 + 1, 1), Cells(lastrow2 + lastrow, 38)) = outputarr
End Sub