Although I'm pretty good with Excel and VBA I'm completely new to Access. I'm using the Project Management Web Database and like it very much so far. I've managed to customize it a bit but there is one feature that I would really like to add, which from the title of this post, I'm sure you have already guessed. Each Project can have tasks and each task can have notes and other information. What I would like is for each Task to have Sub-Tasks so I can clearly identify each task. Right now I'm just using the text box to describe all the tasks. I think what I need to do is set up a new table called SubTasks which could be accessed inside the Task Detail form and would automatically be sorted by Project and Task and would automatically assign the appropriate Project and Task when data is input from the table inside the form. . . Does that make any sense? ? ? and if it does am I even close to a workable solution? Problem is that even if I am close I am not really sure how to implement it. I'm sure there is a better way though and I'm sure one of you geniuses know what it it. Thanks in advance for your help. I do love this web-page
On an un-related topic I've been muddling through the help files so far but would appreciate any suggestions on books that might be particularly helpful. There is a database I would like to build for the company I work for and I'll need to acquire some Access skills in order to build it. Thanks again.
On an un-related topic I've been muddling through the help files so far but would appreciate any suggestions on books that might be particularly helpful. There is a database I would like to build for the company I work for and I'll need to acquire some Access skills in order to build it. Thanks again.