changes some cell references sequentially based on where it is pasted. I only need 2 of the references changed though the other 15 references or so need to stay static.. here is fomrula:
=COUNTIF(A1:A5,A5)&" of "&CHOOSE(A5,itemkey!G3,itemkey!G4,itemkey!G5,itemkey!G6,itemkey!G7,itemkey!G8,itemkey!G9,itemkey!G10,itemkey!G11,itemkey!G12,itemkey!G13,itemkey!G14,itemkey!G15,itemkey!G16,itemkey!G17)
The "A5" reference is all i neeed to change sequentially.. all the rest stay static. I can have the macro change those for 3 ref's for me after I paste.. but didn't want the macor to have to change them ALL backwards .. geez does this make any sense?