Having downloaded your file, you are where I suspected you would be – you have designed a userform but have almost no coding for it, I am not really sure what you are expecting by way of help to develop it?
As I stated in my first post, userforms whilst easy to design, require you to program almost every aspect of them which for a complex project, can be very extensive.
Also, whilst you can create a simple flat file (single table) database in Excel, it is not really what Excel is designed for & there are more appropriate applications available that do not require extensive coding like Access (MrExcel has a help Forum)
or something like this maybe:
Power Apps
that I suggest to spend your time investigating
If really want to continue with excel & learn about userforms here is a good place to start:
Introduction to UserForms
My apologies if I may have raised your hopes but whilst I am more than happy to assist with offering guidance to amend existing code, I personally do not have time to give with the development of a project from the very start & probably not what this forum is really meant for.
Maybe another here will be happy take up the challenge.
BTW I never share any personal information on a public platform.