I want the pivot table to generate a Grand average that is the average of the subtotal/summary data above it, not an average of all the underlying data.
The results of a pivot table are below.
How do I get a straight Grand Average instead of a weighted grand average for this pivot table? For example, the straight average of (20, 15, 20, 23, and 19) is 19; however, the pivot table's default grand average is to take the weighted average for all of the underlying data.
Average of Total:
Title Item #of Items Avg. Total
ABC A 4 20
ABC B 6 15
ABC C 7 20
ABC D 3 23
ABC E 1 19
The results of a pivot table are below.
How do I get a straight Grand Average instead of a weighted grand average for this pivot table? For example, the straight average of (20, 15, 20, 23, and 19) is 19; however, the pivot table's default grand average is to take the weighted average for all of the underlying data.
Average of Total:
Title Item #of Items Avg. Total
ABC A 4 20
ABC B 6 15
ABC C 7 20
ABC D 3 23
ABC E 1 19